Acfi Rules for Submission

All Alamo City Furry Invasion sales rules as well as the rules of the ACFI Code of Conduct must be followed in addition to the rules listed here. Click Code of Conduct to view these additional rules and guidelines. The Alamo City Furry Invasion also reserves the right to change these rules without notice or notice of modification. Please visit our website regularly for changes to the rules. We reserve the right to update these rules without notice. 10. Application Pushes – A push application is an application that enters the next round of jury selection. A «push» can only be made in the event that an application has not been completed in its entirety, no link to the dealer`s craft has been provided (if you do not have a link, examples of the dealer`s craftsmanship can be sent to, the ACFI supplier`s rules have not been accepted, and/or a large number of requests are submitted. (sometimes the number of submissions is too numerous to go through them all). After two «pushes», an application will no longer be considered for approval. No weapon or object may be waved, pointed at anyone or otherwise displayed in a threatening manner. The only exception to this rule is prior agreement with the Convention Security And, at a given time and place, with clear rules.

This can include a stage performance, a NERF tournament, or a staged photo shoot. Decisions may be appealed to the Head of Security. Room parties are awesome! To ensure that individual actions do not negatively affect others, the following rules apply: Almost all of our code of conduct is common sense and serves to create a safe and pleasant «furry» environment for everyone. If you have any questions, you can send an email for more information. 12. Supplier expectations to meet attendance needs – Suppliers are required to pay their invoice for their exhibitor table no later than one month before the start of the congress. Once a spreadsheet has been paid for and added to the list of ACFI suppliers for the current year, suppliers must verify their tables no later than 2 p.m. on the day of the start of the conference. Failure to comply with any of the above rules will result in the loss of your table and it will be sold to the nearest available supplier. This policy covers the measures we are actively taking to contain the spread of the coronavirus. You are asked to carefully follow all these rules to maintain a healthy and safe place in this unique environment.

It is important that we all respond responsibly and transparently to these health precautions. c. Sellers are also responsible for reporting these taxes to the competent authorities. (Sales tax for Bexar, Texas, is currently 8.25%.) Acfi has no opinion on external issues and therefore should never be drawn into public controversy. By choosing not to enter into a conflict, we prevent it. Politics and external issues achieve one thing and only one thing to move us away from our main goal. The ACFI is not your soap box or political platform to exercise power. Important: Unless it is clearly an unrealistic toy (to the casual observer at a glance and at a distance), ALL accessories that could be mistaken for real weapons must first be inspected and approved by the Safety Convention. No real firearms are allowed (except for law enforcement officers in their jurisdiction).

The security of the Convention has the power to authorize, refuse or restrict the carrying, display and use of a particular weapon or object at the ACFI. Convention security may apply additional conditions such as «only during certain events». Decisions may be appealed to the Head of Security. g. If a stand configuration is desired, NO table will be provided. Stand configurations are an open arrangement in which the dealer can install their own display. «Swag»: ACFI has a limited amount of gift documents for registrants. These are available for on-site pickup on a first-come, first-served basis and are distributed to participants upon registration as soon as they are available and after pre-registration orders have been fulfilled.

ACFI`s activities and event spaces are rated «PG» during the day (until 7 p.m.) and «R» in the evening and at night. Disclaimer: All Con badges remain the property of ACFI for the duration of the Agreement and must be submitted to Con staff for review and surrendered to The Convention Security upon request. Given that the U.S. and other countries like Canada have withdrawn these warrants and the CDC states that it is now safe to remove mask requirements, the ACFI will not require masks. We want everyone to feel safe, so feel free to wear one. This part of the policy has also been removed from the CoC, rule #3 – Our rating (dress code). As a salesperson, you can ask people to wear one to your table. Please note that ACFI does not provide masks, so you must provide your own. Please respect the decisions of others regarding masking, as any harassment is a violation of CoC Rule No.

8 and participation in controversies violates Rule No. 14, Tradition 10. 12. Limitation of Liability: By registering for the Agreement and accepting a Convention badge, you agree that ACFI, A+ King Services & Entertainment LLC and its affiliated directors, Congress committees, employees and volunteers will be indemnified and held liable for any damage or loss of personal property, personal injury or death resulting from your participation in the Agreement. The service animal is only allowed if it is accompanied at all times by its master and is under constant control on his part. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.), we ask that you do not attend the congress to protect yourself and others. Artist`s Alley is usually located in a public area of the convention, so artworks and clearly visible products on display must conform to a conservative «PG» standard. Please use common sense. In most cases, moving «PG» materials from prominent screens should be enough.

Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose and muzzle (mouth), with your hands unwashed. We will require a negative COVID-19 test for all employees and participants. This test must be carried out within 72 hours before the start of the convention. (04 October 2022). If you do not wish to submit a negative COVID-19 test, you can voluntarily provide proof of state-issued vaccination or a doctor as an acceptable substitute.