Can You Legally Take a Mental Health Day

Here are some examples of appropriate leave that a person with a mental disorder may require from their employer: While there is a growing movement to destigmatize mental health issues in the workplace, many employers still do not support mental health issues as a legitimate reason to miss a day`s work. If you or your child need to take a break from school for psychological reasons, you can use an sick day. If you need more time or your school needs a medical certificate, talk to a counselor and/or school administrator to explain your situation. A psychiatrist may be able to provide a written note confirming your need for a day off (or several days). The pandemic «has accelerated movements and conversations about mental health in the workplace,» said Bernie Wong, a senior executive and director at Mind Share Partners. For example, without the employer`s knowledge, if the employee took a mental health day because he or she was extremely stressed or anxious, there is no obligation to tell the employer. Let`s go over some concrete actions you can take. The pandemic and the resulting tightening of the labour market have led employers to make employee well-being a higher priority in their corporate culture, not only by further recognizing the need for free time, but also through other supports such as employee support programs and easier access to teletherapy, said Ilyse Schuman, senior vice president of health policy at the American Benefits Council. Afonso P, Fonseca M, Pires JF. Effects of working time on sleep and mental health. Occupational Med. 2017;67(5):377-382.

doi:10.1093/occmed/kqx054 Take a minute and really think: Would you benefit the most from tension relief? Or some changes that will reduce stress in the future? A little time with a loved one? Or just a change of scenery? Because different stressors require different responses, different types of mental health days address unique needs. Companies with 50 or more employees must comply with additional regulations that allow you to take leave (albeit unpaid) for family medical conditions. This includes mental health needs. Of course, there are requirements, which are likely to be documented in the «Vacation» section of the company manual, which cover these guidelines, such as: family leave or parental leave. Mental health recreation is similar to any medical or health needs protected by labor laws. Taking a day off for mental health can be very important for your well-being. If you are an employer, it is important to understand in what situations your employees may take sick leave or personal leave and what your obligations might be. If you need help, we`re here for you! Contact our team for a free and non-binding chat on or 1800 730 61. Weekends also work well. Although a «traditional» mental health day usually involves a day off, there is no need to call patients to take a day to focus on stress relief.

The Fair Labour Standards Act (FLSA) regulates issues such as the minimum wage and child labour laws. It prevents discrimination against people with mental health issues, such as illegally pegging an employee`s salary when they have to take a 15-minute break from mental health. If you`re worried that your overall stress levels require more than just a day of mental health, consider a stay or vacation. You may also wonder if you are on the path to burnout. In a survey of workers released last month, 63 percent said they had taken at least one day of mental health in the past year, but 44 percent said they lied to their boss about why they feared they wouldn`t be allowed to take the day or that there would be other negative consequences. But most people with common mental disorders don`t need to take months off at a time. For problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), ongoing treatment of phobias, or regular appointments to treat depression or anxiety, it may be more appropriate to request intermittent FMLA. For a workplace to truly support employees` mental health, the extra flexibility in terms of free time must be accompanied by positive cultural changes, not as a substitute for them, Wong said.

These major cultural changes may require addressing work-life balance – such as the ability for people to work from home to avoid spending hours commuting each week and not emailing employees in the evenings and outside of office hours – and giving employees more autonomy in decision-making. he said. Even for those who are insured, the signs suggest that many employees don`t feel comfortable talking about mental health at work or asking for free time. In fact, the American Heart Association found that 76% of employees report an issue that affects their mental health.5 Up to 79% of all companies offer resources like an EAP.6 Asking for a day off for mental health in such a culture seems less risky.