Ccs Rules Joining Time

(a) «Department of the Government of India» means a ministry or department of the central government notified from time to time, as well as any other authority exercising the powers of a ministry or ministry of the Government of India. 12. In the event of a change from one station to another and the place of residence is also changed, the official shall be entitled to directly connect the time and the normal mode(s) of transport in accordance with the timetable below, referring to the distance between the old seat and the new seat. 10. All rules and instructions relating to membership and government officials to whom these Regulations apply immediately before the coming into force of this Regulation are hereby repealed. 3. A public servant may not be authorized to hold a new employment at the same station on more than one day of conscription or which does not involve a change of residence from one station to another. For that purpose, the expression «same station» is understood to mean the territory under the jurisdiction of the municipality or body, including those of the suburban municipalities. notified areas or cantons adjacent to the designated municipality. etc. 10. The connection time begins on the day of delivery of the loading of the old mail, if the cargo is made in the morning, or the next day if the cargo is uncovered in the afternoon. (iii) an official residing in the Union Territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands or in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep and who is on leave for his hometown on another island in the Union Territory concerned shall be entitled to a transit time once per calendar year to cover the period spent by sea to the island on which his hometown is situated; and vice versa, while he is returning from vacation.

The transit time thus allowed is the actual number of days travelled by sea, but not more than seven days for each voyage. The rules of the central civil service (time of accession), GSR 695 of 8 May 1979 notified in 1979, the rules were amended by notification GSR 197 of 10 March 1989 and again by GSR 229 (E) of 27 March 2015. The core of the various instructions on the matter has been summarized in the following paragraphs for guidance and better understanding: (a) railway workers, (b) personnel of the armed forces and those paid from defence service estimates, (c) state employees hired on a contractual basis and those who are not full-time in government. (d) officials paid on the basis of contingencies. 6. (1) When a government officer takes on a new position without holding a full-time position, for reasons such as: – 11. A public servant may not be granted more than one day of conscription to fill a new position within the same station or that does not require a change of residence from one station to another. 9.

In case of doubt as to the interpretation of these rules, they shall be transmitted to the Government of India, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Personnel and Administrative Reforms. 13. Distance: distance actually travelled and unweighted kilometres for which railway charges apply in certain ghats or hills In the event of the transfer of a government official to or from the north-eastern region, including Sikkim, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and Ladakh, two additional days shall be allowed beyond the standard time of connection, which is based on the actual distance between their old and the new location of the display will be charged. If a ministry or department of the Government of India is satisfied that the application of any of these rules in a particular case causes unreasonable hardship, that ministry or department of the Government of India may, by order for reasons to be recorded in writing, derogate from the requirement of that rule to the extent and subject to exceptions and conditions, which it considers necessary for the handling of the case in a case, to waive or to loosen it. in a fair and equitable manner, provided that such an order is issued only with the consent of the Ministry of the Interior, the Department of Human Resources and Administrative Reforms. (a) he is ordered to take up the new post at a new duty station without recourse to the full-time assignment to which he is entitled; or 5. The membership period is granted to an official in the event of a transfer of public interest so that he can enter the new service either at the same time or on a new date. Only actual transit time can be allowed, as it is allowed for tour travel. (1) Transit time/connecting time to cover travel to/from a remote location during the subsequent journey/or return from vacation.— With the enactment of the Central Civil Service (Membership Time) Rules, 1979, certain provisions of the RS and RS and the government regulations contained therein on transit time and connecting time allowed government employees to make journeys from a remote place during the subsequent trip to a remote location for the duration of the trip to a remote location during the duration of the remote trip during the period of the Continuation of the trip / or return from vacation or at the time of transfer to coverage, suspended. As regards the connection time to remote sites during transmission, no difficulty was to be expected, since the heads of department could grant the time of accession in accordance with Rule 5(5) of the 1979 CCSC (Accession Time) Rules. With regard to the connection of time to remote locations during holidays, it was proposed that appropriate arrangements be made in the Central Regulations for the Civil Service (Leave).

Pending the amendment of the leave rules, certain administrative instructions have been included in Office Memorandum No. 21011/12/79 of the allowances of this department of 16 November 1979 and No.