Definition of Happiness Reddit

I`m a little confused here. You say that ignoring happiness as a concept is the way to achieve happiness? I guess if you don`t know what happiness is, then you won`t try to chase it away and therefore risk making yourself unhappy in the process. What does «happiness» mean to you? What does it take to achieve true happiness? When have you been happiest in your life? Seriously, «happiness» is one of those concepts that only makes sense if you don`t have it. I prefer the term to be satisfied. happinessˈhapɪnəs/noun: happiness; Plural name: Happiness Don`t get me wrong, I`m in no way sad or depressed! I just wonder what happiness really is and what people aspire to. For me, happiness is the joy I find in simple things like cuddling my cat or going for a walk with my boyfriend. I`m happy because I appreciate it. Once you learn to appreciate the little everyday things, happiness is everywhere. I`m not so sure what happiness is for me, I think it`s different for each individual, although there may be conditions necessary to be happy (eating enough, drinking, being able to live indoors without running the risk of being expelled). Contentment. It`s a bit of a myth in a way, because it`s not «happy forever after.» People who have everything they have ever wanted still have desires, desires and days when they cry or are jealous or upset or whatever. For me, satisfaction means having a situation where happiness can be achieved frequently.

For example, when I lived in a house with neighbors who were super noisy, I couldn`t describe myself as satisfied because I couldn`t relax at home in a river state, it was physically uncomfortable due to stress and lack of sleep, and the desire to change this situation was so strong that it was distracting. So reddit, what do you define as happiness (if it exists)? I was recently screened for autism and they asked me to explain happiness to them and give them examples of when I was happy. When they read me the results of my evaluation, they told me that my explanation of happiness seemed as if I had never really experienced happiness. Satisfaction and contentment are probably the best definition of happiness in life, because happiness is really an ephemeral thing that is defined in hindsight. According to Merriam-Webster, happiness is defined as «a state of well-being and contentment: joy» or «a pleasant or satisfying experience.» It`s like madness. Too much happiness can make a man strange, to the point where he becomes greedy for power with what makes the man happy. He will go crazy with this power and go crazy. He will soon realize that he was crazy and that he would like not to be, so he becomes more and more depressed, to the point of committing suicide. My definition of happiness is more about gratitude and how much I love life (most people except).

I feel happy every day. Fortunately, I persevered through enormous difficulties. Luckily, I met my wife and had our daughter. The joy of living in a time when clean, safe water comes from a tap. Where I don`t need to go to an outbuilding to do my business in the humidity and cold, most of the energy costs in my home go through a cable plugged into the wall. Look, I`m a single, so historically, it was part of my quest for happiness to go to a strip club. The subtle difference that took place in the middle of my 20s is that the experience of a lap dance is no longer just for me and my entertainment. This woman offers a pretty intimate service and I get it wrong when I do everything about myself. The secret is that exotic dancers are also people and also seek happiness. Bob Dylan has a quote about success that I think also applies to happiness: moments of joy.

When you receive good news or enter the sun and feel a surge of happiness. It`s short-term, but wonderful. Let`s analyze the word itself. Hap comes from the Latin «occur» and «piness» is an alternative spelling of the word for the male reproductive organ. Translated literally, we can therefore deduce that the word happiness is an indication of the appearance of an ergo penis with a penis = happiness. Sorry ladies. *: I may or may not have real language skills There is a weakness, I think, if you derive your emotional happiness from external sources, and this is a recipe for disaster when the variables change. Name of happiness hap· pi· | ˈha-pē-nəs Definition of happiness 1a: a state of well-being and contentment: JOY b: a pleasant or satisfying experience I wish you all happiness in life. I had the chance to see you – W. S. Gilbert I had to write a 1000 word essay on the definition of happiness, what is your definition? I tend to plan ahead in life, and I sort of find the solution that the things in life that many people aspire to, like a spouse, family, successful job, etc., will bring me lasting happiness.

But if I imagine how I handle these things, I wonder if it`s true happiness or not. Maybe happiness is a temporary feeling, while content is what most are looking for. I think happiness is a combination of things that we may or may not achieve are part of the mix. To describe happiness, I will describe sadness for myself. It depends on whether it`s strong or weak sadness, but when it`s very, very bad, it feels like it`s dark, that times are confused, the brain is compressed and full, and just very bad. Nothing seems worth it, you are neutral, but the worst of all. Now, luck. It`s hot, it`s literally yellow, sparkling. Your mind feels free, when it felt suffocating with sadness, it now feels fluid and very bright. Happiness makes you think about the best of things, even if something bad happens, you don`t care because your brain feels so light. Sometimes you even need to jump and move a lot, laugh, wear a big smile if that`s your thing. I would define true happiness as a self-derived sense of satisfaction from who you are (personal identity), where you go or go in life (self-assessed status/trajectory) and a society that makes it easy to satisfy basic needs (food, shelter, love, adequate medical care), as well as reasonably open access to higher education and values freedom.

For some people, happiness could be the absence of something wrong. So you are certainly not wrong in your definition. Provided that everyone can have their own definition of happiness and that they are certainly not wrong. I`m always trying to decide if happiness has anything to do with what I want, especially some shady things like feelings. When I find out, I will get back to you. But these moments only last maybe 10 minutes. Good, lasting, but less intense happiness would be the antithesis of your example. This may suggest that luck is similar to a physical wave: its position may be known, but then the wavelength is lost, or its wavelength may be better known, but then its exact position is lost. The definition of happiness is personal to everyone. For me, this means that I am satisfied in life and enjoying it/an activity. That`s how I feel when I look around and know I don`t want to change anything right now. I`m happier when I watch the sunset over the ocean, the feeling when I see that this is what I believe to be happiness.

Your life experiences and worldview will be different from mine and therefore your definition will also be different. Something I believe in and try to live in is that happiness is not at the end of the road – happiness is the way.