Is It Legal to Relocate Raccoons in Ohio

And the difficult place is that they then ask us if we can catch them and relocate them because they don`t want the animals to be hurt. For example, if we catch them in an attic, we can take them outside and release them. Some people who have discussed how to enter choose to do so, and it is legal. But for many people who have brave raccoons who harass animals and end up in the trash, it doesn`t make much sense to catch them outside and release them again. Raccoons that are annoying or sick can be caught without permission, but it is illegal to set live traps and move them to another location. All raccoons captured alive in Ohio must be released into the owner`s territory or humanely killed. A licensed person can kill raccoons if they want to hurt you. You can always report the authorities and have them come and look into your raccoon problem. Annoying raccoons should be killed if they cause damage to property, personnel or territory. During raccoon hunting season, there are no ownership or bag restrictions. In addition, licensed operators can get rid of it professionally, so the likelihood of spreading the disease is minimal. Although raccoons are easy to catch in a trap, they can be caught in the following ways.

Here is a very short video showing a group of raccoons who were trapped because they really liked garbage cans and were persistent. It is common to catch several raccoons in one night in the same place, as the mother and the cubs of the year are always together. Raccoons that are not sick, injured or troublesome cannot be hunted or captured unless it is legal to do so during their hunting season. A hunting or capture permit is required to track raccoons during a hunting season. According to the ODNR, the state is on the verge of raccoon overpopulation, so any raccoon shot to a new area will most likely displace those already living there. They could also transmit diseases to other raccoons and wipe out an entire colony. It is illegal to catch raccoons, which are a nuisance in Ohio, without killing the animal or bringing it back to the country where it was captured. If you have a commercial wildlife harassment license and are located in Ohio, capturing or taking live nuisance wildlife is legal. And all of the above points cover many preventative measures that make sense if you`re trying to prevent raccoons and other animals from becoming a nuisance in your home. A raccoon infestation in the state is imminent. Therefore, any raccoon introduced into a new area is likely to drive away those already living there, according to ODNR. They could also infect other raccoons with a disease that would decimate an entire colony.

But what we encountered was an abundance of raccoons. From our most urban to the most rural areas here in the Stark/Summit/Portage Count, raccoon populations appear vibrant and healthy. Just ask some of the owners who have recently contacted us to remove raccoons. However, if you don`t have a license, it`s illegal to catch or take a pesky animal, and even if you do, there are certain requirements that must be met. To stop the spread of raccoon disease, all raccoons caught in Ohio must either be returned to the owner`s property or killed humanely. The sidebar below the raccoon image repeats what we wrote above: raccoons cannot be moved. Any annoying raccoons must be killed or released on the property, whichever comes first. However, you cannot shoot a raccoon that does not constitute harassment, illness or a threat to property or personnel.

The raccoon hunting season allows raccoons to shoot. There you go. We cannot legally take raccoons (or other listed species) and release them elsewhere. We can release them alive, but only on the same property (on site) where they are captured. If you have a problem with sick, injured or annoying raccoons, euthanasia is really your only legal option. More information about annoying pests such as raccoons can be found on the ODNR website. Homeowners can catch pesky raccoons at any time, unlike hunters who are limited by the seasons and require a permit. Raccoons are not subject to bag or ownership restrictions, restrictions. The rock is that potential customers have raccoons that have become a real nuisance in many ways and they want them to disappear. Wildlife trappers or other persons harassing by licence may only kill raccoons that cause damage but cannot be captured alive due to unavoidable circumstances, after such trappers or others have sought and obtained written permission from the Chief of the Wildlife Division.