Is Jao a Legal Scrabble Word

It searches for words in three dictionaries at the same time (Scrabble US – OCTWL, Scrabble UK/International and Words with friends/Jumble, Wordscapes, etc.) and you will find a valuable tool to check words for different word games. You may find this site especially useful if you disagree with your opponent on a particular word. WordNet ® Princeton University. Check the words in the Scrabble dictionary and make sure it is an official Scrabble word. Use this Scrabble dictionary checker to find out if a word is acceptable when playing Scrabble®. If you type a word and click the Check Dictionary button, you will simply know whether or not it is valid in Scrabble or similar word games such as Words with Friends or Wordfeud. In addition, you can also search for meaning if you are interested (which you should – to improve your vocabulary and increase your chances of winning).