Is Mox Amber Legal in Modern

Overall, it`s probably missing a true modern shell right now, but red and white are in the area of artifact synergy and cheap legendary store, so it may only be a matter of time before we get the Toolcraft specimen dream deck. Then comes the only modern and legal mox. Mox Opal was designed to be the niche mox of all time, and it succeeds. Opal only produces mana if you have metal craftsmanship. Which isn`t a big deal because it counts on its own, but most decks don`t play a lot of artifacts initially, so they can`t use opal. The biggest change from Chrome to Opal was the addition of legendary. This seems to be Wizards` new balancing strategy, and it makes sense. Multiple moxes are extremely powerful, after all, and legendary status means that all additional copies are lotus petals at best. Which is still pretty good, but not five good gems.

Since Dominaria`s spoilers, I`ve been working a bit on building a modern deck around Mox Amber. You`re right that Mox Amber is just a mana accelerator, with little potential in a legendary aggro deck. But what if we get Mox Amber and all our legends to connect with Reki, the story of Kamikawa? I`m working on a deck, which relies on the draw for quick dominance of the board, including the new one: Druidic Vow XGG Legendary Sorcery by Kamahl and Ruinous Blast by Urza, which I think are very good at good construction. I did some tests with these spells and in combination with Jace, Vryn`s prodigy, these spells look cute without being really negative. I had crazy (but also often dead) prints with Reki and many lands with Kamahl`s Druidic vows that helped me play a ruinous explosion of Urza from the cemetery with Jace. However, the entire deck seems very vulnerable as it lacks hate bears, protection, and winning fraud (mine is currently Ajani-Gideon). I hope Dominaria will give us some good, legendary hate bears. So, take a look at the game and let me know what you think. I`ve tested with it a bit, and what he seems to want most is a Splash Everything g/w deck with Hierarch and Amber as an accelerator that comes together like a human fish deck but trades hate for resilience. Instead of Mantis Rider, he is called Geist. Instead of Lieutenant Hero`s Blade.

Rhys, Oriya, and Kytheon are all 1 drop that has almost hit the bar for Modern already, 2 of which can help turn off a hierarch that is also spinning. Another potential advantage that this type of list could have over humans is the ability to operate the spirit of the Anafenza, Yasova, and Alesha kinship tree to complete the rmages, and have a mana base capable of executing 4x unified will on the board. By now, you have surely seen the leaked Dominaria FAQ. As a result, you know that a new Mox is coming. Mox Amber will be the ninth mox legal tournament in Magic history. The question is how competitive it will be. Older mox have a somewhat inconsistent history, and a new mox is not guaranteed to be playable. All the Mox have already played, the most extensive, but it is not always easy to activate them. Therefore, the gameplay of Mox Amber depends on its ease of use and resemblance to the original «unconditional» Moxen. I`m skeptical that it`s worth it in Modern, but there`s a chance. That`s why I think it was meant for modernity.

Modern only has a legal Mox, and I don`t see Legacy or Vintage using it. Considering that white has more cheap captions than any other color, with red coming far behind, I think it was intended for an aggressive white deck. The question now is whether he will actually have a home in Modern. This deck makes two seemingly opposite adjustments simultaneously to a typical mid-range list of Jund, but it all falls into place considering how each card works together. First, we added acceleration in the form of Ignoble Hierarch and Mox Amber. Then we drastically reduced our average mana value and became a dream deck lurus. Normally, the presence of more accelerators would push us to higher mana converted costs, which would allow us to get the most out of our explosive launches. Here, instead, we can open a series of double spell tricks and find a home for our mana through recursion, modality, and associated mechanics. Remember Mox Amber? Bryan Gottlieb does.