Legal 500 Norway M&A

A notable development in the legal market was the integration of the law firm Kluge AS into the international law firm CMS in October 2021 and the subsequent name change to CMS Kluge. The law firm DLA Piper Norway DA and the 4 major accounting firms remain the other big international names in the Norwegian market, otherwise mainly national. Full-service law firms such as BAHR, Advokatfirma and Thommessen AS, Wikborg Rein and Wiersholm are constantly present alongside smaller law firms such as AGP Advokater, which specialise in corporate law, capital markets and mergers and acquisitions. Shareholders benefit from certain legal provisions to protect minorities through a detailed set of rules set out in the LLCA and PLLCA. These rights include, but are not limited to: the right to attend and speak at general meetings, certain disclosure rights, the right to rescind a resolution of the company for illegal acceptance or other violation of the company`s articles of association, etc. Some of these rights are granted to each individual shareholder regardless of voting rights, and the LLCA and PLLCA grant specific rights to minority shareholders representing a certain percentage of the share capital and/or votes. «Aslak Førde only helped him very well. He quickly grasps legal and strategic issues and provides sound legal advice. He is also very cost conscious and has demonstrated a good ability to work efficiently. «Anders Utne has the unique ability to combine good client skills with a deep legal understanding.» Amund F. Bugge: An outstanding lawyer and legal advisor. I would recommend it to anyone in terms of mergers and acquisitions and ECM in Norway and abroad.

Our clients always comment positively on his work during the process and the results he achieves, whether they are requested or not. «Eilif Koch: very competent, excellent at finding legally sound but commercial solutions, reacting quickly.» «Rolf Trolle Andersen is a highly professional and trustworthy legal advisor. The customer always comes first. Very attentive. «They were able to address complex legal formulations and communicate with non-lawyers. Always available and ready. «Haavind`s competition practice is led by the renowned Simen Klevstrand, who provides excellent advice in terms of legal analysis and business thinking. The key words of this great team are high-end consulting in a service-oriented, solution-oriented, tailor-made and efficient way. Highly recommended! «The team I`ve worked with is highly skilled, service-oriented and cost-conscious.

They provided excellent legal advice and their support was definitely tailored. They are also very nice people to work with. BAHR`s «highly experienced» team has «excellent legal knowledge» in EU and competition matters and has outstanding expertise in complex merger control mandates, antitrust and antitrust investigations, competition damages actions and state aid. The Head of Cabinet, Helge Stemshaug, has a proven track record of appearing before the Norwegian Competition Authority and the EFTA Surveillance Authority in cartel investigations. Beret Sundet is «a highly respected competition lawyer» sought after for her expertise in the area of M&A competition. Ylva Kolsrud Lønvik, Senior Associate, is active in the field of State aid. Arne Torsten Andersen joined CMS Kluge in July 2021. «Legal advice at the highest level, when we need it, and quickly.» The company: Aabø-Evensen was founded in 2002. Despite its young age, the firm has a proven track record of providing the highest quality legal services to large corporations and institutions. The company`s work, particularly its focus on mergers and acquisitions, has been recognized by leading players in the M&A space. «An excellent team that is fully committed to providing clients with quality and timely legal advice. The financial markets practice of the law firm Simonsen Vogt Wiig operates from the firm`s corporate, banking and finance departments.

Key pillars of the team`s strength include IPOs and high-level listings, private equity capital markets issues and high-quality private placements. The practice is particularly strong in the real estate, finance, retail, technology and pharmaceutical sectors. Christoffer Bjerknes and Halvor Klingenberg jointly head the department, which includes Amund Fougner Bugge, «outstanding lawyer and legal advisor», and Ingvild Walle Skraastad, a «highly competent and client-oriented» associate. «Extensive understanding and experience in the industry, with a focus on business logic and utility for the legal input task.» «Henning Raa is an excellent M&A and tax structuring lawyer who can find creative solutions and proactively propose new approaches. He knows his job, is very solid and very responsive. Geir Nilsen leads the firm`s M&A litigation department and manages the work in each litigation. «The team has a deep understanding of the economics of real estate and acts quickly and effectively when faced with a legal challenge. Their pragmatic approach – without fuss – quickly identifies the real problem and presents excellent amicable solutions. This provides an easy one-stop shop for business consultants and legal procurement departments to gather information about the companies they want to hire. «Christine H. Downing is an exceptional, extremely positive, solution-oriented and effective lawyer who has both business and legal expertise and can combine it for the benefit of the client.

It provides its services in accordance with our expectations and to serve the purpose. It attaches great importance to always providing services to the agreed extent and discusses the possible need for adjustment in the event of exceptional problems. Always with a big radiant smile – online or in real life – freshly landed from Bergen! AGP Advokater`s «extremely responsive» team sees cross-border M&A transactions as one of its key pillars of strength, acting on behalf of large companies in the technology, manufacturing and financial services sectors. Nils Olav Aarseth «combines sound and pragmatic legal advice with excellent client and project management skills». Gard A. Skogstrøm focuses on mergers and acquisitions and equity transactions, and Lars André Gjerdrum has expertise in equity capital markets. Hege Dahl and Ketil E. Sauarlia are also notable personalities. In an ADR entity, the LLCA requires the buyer to notify the target company of a share transfer. Unless otherwise stipulated in the articles of association of the target company, the acquisition of shares requires the approval of the target company by resolution of the board of directors. This decision will be made as soon as possible after the acquisition has been notified to the target company and the buyer will be informed immediately.

Consent can only be refused for valid reasons, and if it is not given, the buyer will receive the reasons for the refusal and information on all necessary measures to remedy the situation. If the buyer is not informed within two months of notification to the target company that consent will not be given, consent is deemed to have been given. If the notification has been received from target and consent has been given by target, the target must immediately register the buyer in the target company`s shareholder register. The registration of ownership of the shares in the register formally transfers ownership of the acquired shares and legally protects the buyer from all acts of the seller`s creditors or competing third-party buyers. «Svein Terje Tveit gives you first-class advice. She is a pleasant person to work with. If you keep Svein, you know that you will receive factual and sound legal advice in a very efficient and service-oriented manner, which is much appreciated because competition law carries a high risk for our business. «The Haavind team provides legal advice in a pragmatic, timely and professional manner.

Simonsen Vogt Wiig Law Firm «has a long-standing practice in ship finance and is a market leader when it comes to working for lenders in the shipping and offshore sectors,» according to the clients, who also praise the department`s «strong combination of legal expertise and business acumen, supported by industry understanding and know-how.» .