Legal Action for Unpaid Debt

If a debt collector threatens to take your home or garnish your wages, you could fall victim to a collection scam. Contact us immediately. Whatever you do, don`t ignore the trial. Even if you think you don`t owe that debt. Responding to a debt collector`s lawsuit in court is likely to put you in a better position, cost you less fees, and give you more control over how you pay off the debt. If you believe there was an error, you must make this argument to the court by submitting a written response to the court (response) and insisting that the creditor provide documents showing that you owe the debt and that you owe the amount they are asking you to make. If you do nothing or respond on time, you may lose the case and have the court ask you to pay the debt plus interest, costs and costs (default judgment or monetary judgment), even if there is an error. Start by asking the collection agency what their records reveal when you made your last payment. If you have this information, contact the Attorney General`s office and ask for the limitation period for your debts. You can also contact a legal aid office in your state or search for this information online. Do I have to pay a debt that is considered prescribed? A defense in an unpaid invoice case is that you don`t owe money for the unpaid bill.

In an unpaid bill lawsuit, it`s not a defense that you can`t afford to pay the debt. Violations of the Texas Debt Collection Act are punishable under criminal and civil law. If you believe you have been harassed or deceived, you can even seek injunctions and damages against debt collection agencies. Once there is a court order for you (default judgment or monetary judgment), the creditor can collect that money by having money deducted from your salary or otherwise, such as taking money from your bank accounts, taking your tax refund (garnishments) or using a legal process to take and sell your property. The creditor may have requested «enforcement» at the end of your case. If they receive an execution from the judge, they can «increase the execution». This means that it is legal for them to take your property. They will hire a sheriff or a gendarme. The sheriff or police officer brings you a copy of the execution and takes your car or places a lien on your home. In a counterclaim, you say that even if you owe money for an unpaid bill, the creditor owes you money because the creditor did something wrong. When you counterclaim in your response, you are seeking monetary damages from the creditor that reduce or cancel the amount you owe on the unpaid invoice. The length of the statute of limitations depends on the type of debt and the law of your state – or the state specified in your loan agreement or in the agreement that creates the debt.

Yes. If a debt collector tries to collect more than one debt from you, they must apply any payment you make to the debt you choose. A debt collector cannot apply the payment to a debt that you say you do not have to pay. Depending on the situation, you may need different lawyers. For example, a bankruptcy lawyer may intervene if you are unable to repay your debts and must declare bankruptcy. A debt collector must provide you with «validation information» about debts, either on the collector`s first phone call with you or in writing within five days of the first contact with you. The debt collector must provide you with four pieces of information This federal law only applies to debt collectors who work for professional collection agencies and to lawyers responsible for collecting a debt. It is similar to Texas law, but also prohibits: These options may depend on the initial contract and who is now responsible for debt management. You can go directly to your paycheque and use wage garnishment to pay off your debts. Businesses can also access your bank account to withdraw assets to pay off debts. If this happens to you, you`ll need legal advice about federal laws that can help or hurt you.

What can I do if I think a debt collector has broken the law? Send a letter to the collection agency asking them to stop contacting you. Keep a copy for yourself. Consider sending the letter by registered mail and paying an «acknowledgement of receipt». This way you have a record that the collector has obtained. Once the collection agency has received your letter, they can only contact you to confirm that they will not contact you in the future or to let you know that they plan to take a specific action, such as: taking legal action. If you are represented by a lawyer, inform the tax collector. The collector must contact your lawyer, not you, unless the lawyer does not respond to the collector`s communications within a reasonable time. Where can I report a debt collection agency for doing something illegal? This article covers the basics of what to do if a creditor has sued you for an unpaid debt. It will cover everything from reading the complaint to choosing the right lawyer. If you have an outstanding debt, a creditor or their debt collector may receive a court order to try to take money from your bank account to pay off the debt. The court order is called a seizure. Contact an attorney if you have questions about whether you owe money for the unpaid invoice or if you have another defense or counterclaim.

It usually takes about six months before you don`t pay a debt before you can be sued. In general, creditors and employees of credit card companies prefer to develop a viable payment plan with their debtors rather than take legal action. Creditors do not want to use a debt collection agency. But if it looks like you`re not paying, they will. The creditor sells your debt to a collection agency for less than face value, and the collection agency will then attempt to collect the entire debt from you. If you dispute the legality of anything in your collection file, you must notify the collector in writing. Simply calling the collector will not end the collection activity. These actions also violate the Texas Deceptive Marketing and Consumer Protection Act, which gives the attorney general the authority to take action in the public interest. Many states have their own debt collection laws, which are different from federal laws. The Attorney General`s Office can help you determine your rights under your state`s law. The first step is to review contracts, facts, and evidence with a lawyer experienced in credit card prosecutions.

Your lawyer can determine if the claim is valid. If the evidence doesn`t speak strongly enough in your favor, you can try other defenses or discuss a settlement. To take legal action to collect a debt, the creditor (the person or company that owes money) takes legal action against the debtor (the person who owes the money). Once an action for debt collection has been filed with the court, the creditor must inform the debtor of the claim (service). This is usually done by hand delivery or mail, but it can also be done by other means.