Which of the following Countries Does Not Have a Free-Trade Agreement with Canada

When it comes to international trade, free-trade agreements (FTAs) play a crucial role in promoting economic growth and investment. For a country like Canada, which heavily relies on exports, FTAs are essential for expanding its trading relationships and diversifying its export markets. But not all countries have a free-trade agreement with Canada. So, which of the following countries does not have an FTA with Canada?

First, let`s define what an FTA is. A free-trade agreement is a treaty or agreement between two or more countries that reduces or eliminates tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers on goods and services. FTAs promote trade liberalization, which means that goods and services can flow more easily between countries.

Canada has negotiated several FTAs with countries worldwide, including the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel, Jordan, Peru, Colombia, Panama, South Korea, Ukraine, and the European Union (EU). These agreements allow Canadian businesses to access new markets and provide consumers with more choices.

But, one country that does not have a free-trade agreement with Canada is China. Despite being Canada`s second-largest trading partner, China and Canada have not yet signed a comprehensive FTA. The two countries have been engaged in formal negotiations for a Canada-China FTA since 2016, but progress has been slow. Issues such as human rights, intellectual property, and environmental standards have been cited as obstacles to a comprehensive agreement.

It`s worth noting that Canada does have a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) with China, which promotes investment and protects investors in both countries. However, a comprehensive FTA would provide greater opportunities for Canadian businesses to export to China and expand their presence in the Chinese market.

In conclusion, China is the country that does not have a free-trade agreement with Canada. While negotiations continue, it`s essential for Canadian businesses to explore other markets and take advantage of the FTAs that are in place. As the global economy becomes increasingly integrated, FTAs will play an ever more crucial role in maintaining and expanding Canada`s trading relationships.