How Long Do You Need to Keep Documents for Sars

If your records are no longer needed for tax purposes, don`t throw them away until you`ve checked to see if you need to keep them longer for other purposes. For example, your insurance company or creditors may ask you to keep them longer than the IRS. Proper deletion of documents can be essential to […]

How Is a Civil Partnership Formed

You can legally choose to adopt your partner`s child. If you live in a registered partnership, this procedure is simple and without an agency, as long as the applicant has been living with the child for at least six months. If you are not in a registered partnership, the process will probably take longer. […]

How Do You Spell Legal Document

Given the help a legal document can provide to both parties, it is important to make it as good as possible from the beginning and ensure excellent storage after completion. This is where Contractbook can help. Our software supports effective and efficient management of legal documents by providing countless legal document templates that you […]

How Do I Qualify for Legal Aid in Ontario

For more information on granting legal aid, please see our guidelines: Since the Court must remain impartial in all cases before it, the Supreme Court cannot provide legal advice; However, we are happy to refer you to resources available on other websites. The links below provide information to help you find a lawyer or […]

How Did Andrew Carnegie Influence Us Business

Were the titans of the Golden Age «robber barons» or «industrial entrepreneurs»? Point-Counterpoint and the Debating Industrial Progress: Andrew Carnegie vs. Henry George Lesson to highlight the influence of businessmen like Carnegie on industry and philanthropy in the Golden Age. While working for the railway, he invested in various businesses, including steel and oil […]

Houston Chronicle Legal Notices

Q: How do I activate my unlimited digital access? A: Please go to and simply follow the instructions to activate your account or update your account to meet the minimum requirements for access. Q: What happens if I deleted the social media account (Google+, Facebook, etc.) I used to create my Houstonchronicle […]

Honour Killing Law in India

TAGS: Caste discrimination, Gender-based violence, Honour killings Despite the persistence of honour killings, there is no national legislation dealing specifically with this issue. In 2012, the Law Commission of India recommended a bill to address the issue of honour killings, which was never addressed. Rajasthan`s 2019 bill prohibiting interference with the freedom of marriage […]

Holiness Definition

But in the next point, holiness of character is attributed to God in a pronounced ethical sense. The commandment: «Be holy; for I am holy» (Leviticus 11:44; 19:2), clearly implies an ethical conception. Human beings cannot resemble God in His incommunicable qualities. They can reflect his image only in the sense of those moral […]

History of English Law

Any work that touches on the institutional, social or economic history of this period almost inevitably touches on these questions. For the feudal context, M. Bloch, Feudal Society (ed. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1961) and F. L. Ganshof, Feudalism (Longmans, Green, 1952) are important. For general studies of the factual context, the following are […]

High School Requirements to Be a Botanist

From all these options, it can be concluded that a day in the life of a botanist can mean a number of things. A degree in botany does not limit your career options. If you want to work as a botanist, yes! Most botany-related jobs require a bachelor`s degree in botany, plant science, (plant) […]