Denying Legal Conclusions Answer

In addition, Judge Shadur asserts that «it is obvious, of course, that any purported response that begins with `to the extent that` is completely uninformative. How can the reader, whether it is an opposing lawyer or this court, recognize what the [respondent] lawyer may consider to be contained in this ambiguous language? Baumann, loc. […]

Definition Right Wing Populism

Once present mainly in emerging democracies, populism is now in power in long-established democracies. From 1950 to 2000, populism was identified with the political style and agenda of Latin American leaders such as Juan Perón in Argentina and Hugo Chávez in Venezuela. At the beginning of the 21st century, populist authoritarian regimes emerged in […]

Definition of Threshold in Legal Terms

Middle English Dresshold, from Old English Threscwald like the Old Norse threskjǫldr threshold, Old English has defeated a question of substance, as opposed to a question of form, with regard to pleadings, affidavits, indictments and other legal instruments, implies the essential sufficiency, validity or merit of the instrument, as opposed to its method or […]

Definition of Space Exploration

Space exploration sends humans or machines into space to visit other planets and objects in space. Humanity has dreamed of visiting the stars for hundreds of years, but it wasn`t until 1969 that the first person went to the moon. It can take up to six months to send humans to study Mars just […]

Definition of Pillager

Should I welcome this man with open arms and allow myself to become an instigator – a facilitator – of the thief, the rapist and the looter? When the looter wipes his dirty parts after the rape, he kills both his victims and my sons. I appear as a benefactor and not as a […]

Definition of Legal Term Tort

Jurisdictions that still prohibit one family member from suing another include Arizona, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Utah, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C. These places may make an exception if the offence is intentional. See, for example, Bounds v. Candle, 611 S.W.2d 685 (Texas 1980); Townsend vs. Townsend, 708 S.W.2d 646 (Missouri […]

Definition of Happiness Reddit

I`m a little confused here. You say that ignoring happiness as a concept is the way to achieve happiness? I guess if you don`t know what happiness is, then you won`t try to chase it away and therefore risk making yourself unhappy in the process. What does «happiness» mean to you? What does it […]

Definition of Deposed President

Myles posited in 1592 that Burbage «would no longer allow him to interfere in the place, but to drive them out of everything.» In the Nexis database, this quote is near a report that «the United States did not attempt to impeach Korean leader Kim Jong-un»; a discussion of a political maneuver called «the […]

Definition of Bather

Its salinity is remarkable, as the bather sits in deep water, similar to an armchair, with his head and shoulders protruding. Decency did not matter to this bather, who quickly learned to inject us on page 40. Today, the park is still busy – they had 400,000 visitors in 2020 despite the pandemic – […]

Definition of a Cephalophore

A cephalophore (from the Greek for «head bearer») is a saint who is usually depicted with his own severed head. In Christian art, this should usually mean that the subject in question suffered martyrdom by beheading. Representing the halo required in these circumstances presents a unique challenge for the artist: some place the halo […]