Can You Take Legal Action without a Contract

Courts and formal infringement actions are not the only options for individuals and companies involved in contractual disputes. The parties may agree that a mediator will review a contractual dispute, or they may agree to binding arbitration in a contractual dispute. These alternative dispute options are two «alternative dispute resolution» methods that can take […]

Can You Legally Take a Mental Health Day

Here are some examples of appropriate leave that a person with a mental disorder may require from their employer: While there is a growing movement to destigmatize mental health issues in the workplace, many employers still do not support mental health issues as a legitimate reason to miss a day`s work. If you or […]

Can You Legally Be a Sovereign Citizen

All sovereign citizen groups, including the Moors, are anti-government groups whose ideology and behavior call for the overthrow of the U.S. government or violent resistance against it. I have been documenting acts of violence committed by sovereigns for several years. I have amassed at least 250 cases of violence, including arson, child abuse, rape, […]

Contract Bound Ellie Mae Epub

Contract Bound Ellie Mae Epub: A Must-Read Erotic Romance Novel Are you looking for a thrilling and steamy romance novel that will keep you at the edge of your seat? Look no further than Contract Bound Ellie Mae Epub, a must-read erotic novel that will leave you wanting more. Written by the talented author, […]

Can You Become a Lawyer with a Diploma in Law

Abe Lincoln didn`t attend law school or study law under a bailiff or lawyer? Lol In rural America, students often read the law alone, including Abe Lincoln. When our esteemed president, the honest Abraham Lincoln, became a lawyer, he had to «obtain a certificate issued by the Illinois County Court attesting to the plaintiff`s […]

Can Legalshield Help with Irs

The first and most important rule to follow when paying your taxes? Be careful and honest. This is the best way to minimize the risk of an audit. Here are a few other ways to help you and respect your rights as a taxpayer: Despite common assumptions, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is not […]

Can I Legally Kick My Husband Out of the House

If domestic violence has occurred and there is concern that it will continue to occur, you can also apply to the family court for a protection order that legally prevents your spouse from temporarily returning to your residence. For this process, you must sign an affidavit and testify live in court that domestic violence […]

Can Court of Appeal Overrule Itself

See Stephen Breyer, U.S. Supreme Court: Making Our Democracy Work 152 (2011) The more the Court undermines this type of trust, the riskier the investment becomes. The more the Court participates in a practice that seems to ignore this dependence, the more the practice threatens economic prosperity. Kozel, note 49 above, at 452 («The […]

Can a Minor Enter into a Legally Binding Contract Nz

This is the term for a court order that asks you to follow the terms of the contract. The court may, in its sole discretion, refer such an application to a guardian of the minor or, if it deems it necessary for the purposes of the application, to a court-appointed lawyer or to a […]

Can a 16 Year Old Leave Home Legally in Ohio

In Ohio, the age of consent is 16. Ohio`s Criminal Code provides other exceptions and guidelines for those who have sex with a minor child. Can my parents force me to go home? Can people who give me shelter be punished? I doubt I can prove a case of abuse, but even though I […]