Legal Amount of Tint Idaho

Please note that the accuracy, completeness, relevance or timeliness of the content is not guaranteed. We are not lawyers or law firms and do not provide legal advice. We recommend that you consult a lawyer or other appropriate professional if you wish to obtain legal advice. Car window tint laws in Idaho were first enacted nearly three decades ago, in 1992. In the years since, vehicle dyeing rules in the state have changed several times, usually in response to new window film products and technologies becoming available as the science behind and color production improves. To understand how dark window hue can be in Idaho, you need to understand the concept of visible light transmission, or VLT, as it is generally abbreviated. VLT refers to the amount of light in the visible light spectrum that can pass through the hue and actually means how light or dark the window is. The lower the number, the less light passes through and the darker the window, so a 25% VLT hue is much darker than, say, a 75% VLT. You should also understand that some window tints that are legal VLT are still prohibited because they reflect, or how much they look like mirrors that reflect visible light. The VLT is therefore not the only factor determining the legality of window tint in Idaho. Unlike most states, where laws differ by vehicle type, in Idaho, cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans are subject to the same window tint rules, so any term, from vehicle to automobile, applies to private cars registered in the state of Idaho, regardless of type or size. For Idaho, the non-reflective tint of the windows can allow, give or take no less than 35% light transmission for tolerance.

You may want to tone your car windows to protect your privacy, keep potential predators away, or keep your interior cool in the summer. With regard to general side panes, the non-reflective window tint may not be less than 20% and not more than 35% with a tolerance meter of 3%. 70% windshield and 20% tint on other windows with no more than 35% light reflection are permitted under a medical exemption. Written proof from a licensed medical practitioner must be carried in the vehicle. If you are arrested, the officer present can ask for information about the tint of your lens and evaluate it. Under Idaho`s 2021 Tint Laws, there are no restrictions on the colors of the window tint you can use in your vehicle. While many states prohibit red, orange, and amber hues, in Idaho you can use any window hue color, as long as it doesn`t have a reflective surface with more than 35% reflectivity. Idaho`s tint rules do not require the use of tint-specific stickers on tinted windows by law, and window film manufacturers are not required to certify the window tint they sell in the state, nor are installers required to do so. Therefore, the certainty that your hue is legal under Idaho law rests on your shoulders. The rules for window tint in Idaho allow for a three percent deviation in VLT window tint, so even a rear side window that has been tested and allows 17% VLT would not result in a citation.

However, it is always preferable to use a glass tint that complies with the stated regulations. While some states may require a visible sticker on your windows to indicate that you`ve legally tinted your windows, Idaho doesn`t. For example, in 1992, Idaho introduced its window tint laws and standards to better protect law enforcement. This means that if you are arrested because of your hue, the police cannot also sue the manufacturer of the color for a violation. As for the rear side windows, you should only have a tinted film of non-reflective car windows, which allows 20% of the light to pass through the windows, with a tolerance limit of plus or minus 3% and a light reflection not exceeding 35% with the permissible tolerance of plus or minus 3%. Still wondering what all these rules and conversations about light transmission mean and how to comply with Idaho`s laws on window tinting? No problem. If you don`t have a detector on hand, which you probably don`t, you can always check the hue source. You should first measure the light source with a photometer detector away from the hue or sunscreen on the car. As in the rest of the United States, Idaho`s window tinting laws exist to protect police and other law enforcement agencies. When you took your car to the garage, they should have a record of the transmission level they applied to your car or the tint in general. It is important that anyone who tints their windows follows the state of Idaho`s regulations regarding window tint. Being aware of the window tinting laws of the state of Idaho reduces the likelihood of problems you`ll face if you didn`t know.

Sunny conditions in some states make window tints a necessity. The exceptions apply to people, not vehicles, which means that if you have an exception, any vehicle you`re traveling in can have a 70% windshield tint and a 20% side window tint. The rear windshield of a private vehicle registered in Idaho can be tinted up to 35% VLT. Note that two exterior mirrors in good condition are required if the rear windows are tinted. The front side windows and rear windows of cars have the same rules and regulations in Idaho. The front side windows are probably the most important for car owners. Not only will you tint your front side windows keep your car cooler, but it will also prevent people from easily seeing what you have in your car, like a high-end stereo or maybe your work laptop on the seat before you forgot to take into the house.