Legal Definition Numbering

Before you can generate legal documents, you must configure document types, which are internal document types, in the UDC document type (00/DT) for each legal document that you use. You link the values in UDC (00/DT) with the values you create for legal document types. Enter the company for which you configured the link between a legal document type and a print template. Enter a value from the UDC Generate Contact Information (70/CI) table to specify whether the system contains contact information in the footer of the legal document. The values are as follows: Enter the legal document type in table F7400002 to assign a print template. This section lists a prerequisite and explains how to configure banking information for legal documents. (PRT) You do not need to enter specific values in the Portugal Print Template Definition of Legal Documents form because the system does not use this form to generate output for Portugal Legal Documents. (CZE) Type 7 if you are using the R7430040 program to print legal documents. This section provides an overview of print template definitions and how to configure print template definitions. You use the Next Legal Document Number tool (P7400001) to configure different Next numbering schemes for each type of legal document. For example, you can configure a following numbering scheme for standard invoices and another subsequent numbering scheme for VAT invoices. You use the Output Location tool (P7400004) to configure codes that represent the locations where legal documents are issued.

For example, if the company issues documents from a general office and warehouse, configure codes to represent each of these locations. You don`t need to set up dispensaries unless you`re issuing legal documents from more than one location. Enter a VAT condition code from the VAT condition in the UDC table (74/VC). The system assigns this code to the assignment category. Enter the name you assign to a legal document type. Use the Print Master Definition program (P7430021) to configure print templates to define the number of lines and types of information printed in the Details section of legal documents. After you configure the print template definitions, assign legal document types to the definitions so that the system uses the correct template for each legal document type. You use the Print Model/Legal Document Type Relationship (P7430023) session to link a legal document type to a print template.

(POL and RUS) The system does not print the total number of pages on legal documents for Poland and Russia, so you can leave this field blank. The system ignores any values you enter in this field when you print Polish or Russian legal documents. The numbering of each type of legal document must be consecutive. Because you can print some legal documents from multiple JD Edwards EnterpriseOne programs, configure the following legal document numbers so that the system assigns a valid next number, regardless of which program you use to print a document. Check this box so that the system can print the company`s bank details on the legal document. You set bank details in the Bank details for legal documents session (P700050). Enter the type of document that you want to associate with the legal document type. You must enter a value from the UDC Document Type table UDC (00/DT) and the UDC Document Types – Invoices Only (00/DI) table. For legal documents that you print from the JD Edwards Edwards sales order management system, you must configure the appropriate versions of legal documents in the country-specific programs for legal documents and the Print Invoices program (R42565). A corresponding version is a version with the same name.

You configure the appropriate versions and perform the steps to configure legal numbering and assign print templates to legal document types. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for UDC 74/NC. If you select the legal document type L (legal document type) during setup, you must specify additional information for the legal document type. The values are as follows: (POL and RUS) The system ignores any values you enter in this field when you print Polish or Russian legal documents. For Polish or Russian transactions, you do not need to fill in this field. This section provides an overview of versions of legal documents and explains how to configure versions, and explains how to specify versions and print programs. The system stores legal document types in the Legal Document Types table (F7400002). Enter the print template from table F7430021 that should be assigned to the legal document type. You use the Legal Document Types session to create legal document types, and then use the Legal Document/Document Type Relationship session (P7400003) to create relationships between legal document types and internal document types. When you create the relationships, you also specify the company to which the relationship applies and the sales tax condition Sales Tax Registry to which the relationship applies.

Enter the code that represents the place of issue of the legal document. The value you enter must exist in table F7400004. Enter the number that precedes the number that the system uses as the first number in the following numbering scheme. For example, if you enter 99, the system uses 100 as the first number in the following numbering scheme for the type of legal document that you specify. You use the Legal Document / Print UBEs Relation program (P7430024) to link legal document types with versions of printing programs that generate legal documents. For example, you configure a version for invoices: You configure legal document types to define how the system handles taxes for a document type, whether the system should print the document on a page, and whether multiple payment terms are allowed for a document. Use the Legal Document Types session (P7400002) to map the legal document types that you create to the legal document type groups that exist in the UDC table of the Legal Document Type Group (74/DG). This section provides an overview of legal document types and explains how to enter legal document types.

Select the check box to have the system print the legal document on a single page. Enter the type of legal document that you want to associate with the document type. In the Legal Document Types table (F7400002), enter a legal document type. This section describes how to assign legal document types to print templates. (HUN) Type 7 if you are using Print invoice – Hungary – SOP/AR (R74H3040) to print legal documents. «Routing note number». Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 5 November 2022. Enter the address book number of the company issuing the legal document.

Enter a value from the UDC Legal Document Type Group (74/DG) table to specify the group to which the legal document type belongs. The values are as follows: Enter the category on the right for which you are configuring the following numbers. The value you enter must exist in table F7400002. You configure legal numbering so that invoices that you print from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne sales order management systems contain the information required for tax reporting. You follow the process to configure valid numbering for each document type that uses a legitimate numbering scheme. Type the version of the program that you specified in the UBE field that you want the system to use when running the specified program. In statistics and probability theory, the law of large numbers is a theorem that describes the result of repeating the same experiment a large number of times. The large number theorem states that if the same experiment or study is repeated independently a large number of times, the average of the test results must be close to the expected value.

The result approaches the expected value when the number of attempts is increased. Enter the company for which you are configuring the following numbers. The system populates this field with the company`s bank account information from the Bank Transit Master table (F0030). Enter a value from the UDC Discriminate Taxes (74/DL) to indicate whether the system prints the value of goods or services separately and the amounts of taxes (discrimination against taxes). The system summarizes the tax in the printing of invoices based on the option selected in the Discriminatory tax field. The system activates the Discriminate against taxes field only if you select the Calculate taxes option. 2: Discrimination in tax law. The system does not include taxes in the price. The system prints taxes separately under each detail line.

This option does not apply if you select the One-page Document option. Section 2.9, «Specification of Programs and Versions for Printing Legal Documents» (PRT) Specify R74L3030 (Print invoice / invoice correction) in the UBE field of the Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions program. Enter a value from the UDC Number of Copies table (74/NC). The values are as follows: Enter a user ID to restrict permission to print the document to a specific person. This field is optional. If the dice are rolled only three times, the average of the results obtained can be far from the expected value. Let`s say you rolled the dice three times and the results were 6, 6, 3. The average result is 5. According to the law of large numbers, the average result is closer to the expected value of 3.5 if we roll the dice a large number of times. Enter a value from the UDC Vendor Address Source table (74/SC) to specify the source used by the system for the entity printing the document.

The values are as follows: Ensure that the bank account information is configured using the Bank Account Information Program (P0030G) or the Bank Account Cross-Reference Program (P0030A). These programs update and store bank account information in the main bank transit table (F0030). Enter the total number of lines that fit in the details section of a document page, assuming that the same number of lines are available for printing on each page of the document, or that the document has only one page.