Legal Definition of Amicably

DM: I think the only thing I can really say is that we settled our differences amicably. «Friendly Action.» Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 30 September 2022. Although this possibility essentially does not exist in Romania, although the government is committed to improving the legal framework and supporting the development of mediation in order to reduce the backlog of cases and improve access to justice, the government does not use mediation services unless required to do so by law. The same is true for the private sector, which, with or without the advice of lawyers, is also not an active user of mediation services, to say the least. The efforts of the parties to reach an agreement shall be proportionate to their mutual interests. These are consultations, which can range from minimal communication to structured dialogue processes in which the parties engage their own legal and technical experts. Sometimes parties hire mediators or facilitators to help shape dialogue processes and conduct them impartially as neutral individuals. A standard dispute resolution clause often found in domestic commercial contracts reads as follows: `1. The Parties have agreed that any dispute relating to this Agreement shall be settled amicably by their representatives. 2. Where an amicable settlement of disputes is not possible, the parties shall apply to the competent courts. He spent the period from spring to autumn 1825 in London, where he was on good terms with all the artists of his time. This raises the question of the extent to which the wording of the clause cited above assists the parties in resolving their disputes.

This is because any friendly effort, no matter how useful that effort actually is, can mean for a meaningful and healthy counseling process. According to Paul Kendall, «good healthy communication is impossible without openness, honesty and vulnerability.» But sometimes, it can be said, it is not healthy to be very open, because shared vulnerabilities in support of a possible settlement can be used against us if the attempt fails. At the door, the police and I spoke amicably, the Homeland Security Guard listened, but didn`t say much. The dispute between the king and the archbishop was settled amicably. A spokesperson for the tech founder admitted that a married Gates was involved in an office romance at Microsoft, telling the Wall Street Journal that «there was an affair nearly 20 years ago that ended amicably.» There was no ill will on his part, and he continued to dine amicably with King. Moore married Bruce Willis in 1987, and the couple had three daughters before separating amicably in 2000. Epstein`s lawyers told a Florida court that their romantic relationship ended amicably in 2000, but they remained friends. Only Greuze treated him amicably, and even he had no hope for his future.

The wording of treaties is subject to interpretation when it comes to the implementation of the above-mentioned model dispute settlement clause. While the meaning of the word «friendly» is clear – friendly, sociable, peaceful – there are many ways to take peaceful steps to resolve disagreements. When part of the relationship is undermined, romance, passion, collective adventure, then many couples take this as a moment to end the amicable relationship. Bungie amicably parted ways with Microsoft after the launch of Halo 3, the largest company retaining all intellectual property. In a statement today, the FCC said the dispute had been «settled out of court.» The women of the tribe usually lived together quite amicably, but of course they had their differences. FRIENDLY ACTION, practice in Pennsylvania. An action brought by mutual agreement of the parties to the court record; At the time of registration, such an action is considered to have been prejudiced and the defendant has been duly summoned. An amicable action may be brought by a lawyer independently of the provisions of the 1866 Act. 8 He and R.

567. An action initiated and maintained by mutual agreement and agreement between the parties in order to obtain a judgment from a court on a questionable point of law based on facts that both parties accept as correct and complete. The action is considered consensual because the facts are not disputed, but only the legal conclusions that a judge can draw from taking the facts into account. An out-of-court action is considered a justiciable controversy because there is a disagreement of fact and substance between the parties as to the appropriate remedy to be granted by the court. Middle English, borrowed from the late Latin amīcābilis «friendly» – more amicable Amicable, which is derived from the late Latin amicabilis, meaning «friendly», is one of many English words used to indicate cordial relations. Friendly, neighbor, camaraderie and friendly all mean benevolence and absence of antagonism. Friendly implies a state of peace and the parties` desire not to quarrel («they maintained friendly relations»; «the out-of-court negotiation process»). Neighborhood implies the willingness to live on good terms with others, especially those nearby, and to be useful in principle («neighborhood care»). Companionable suggests conviviality and camaraderie («a convivial dinner with friends»).

Amical emphasizes warmth and often warmth or intimacy of personal relationships («friendly correspondence»). Kind, good neighborliness, friendly means showing goodwill and no antagonism. Friendly implies a state of peace and the desire of the parties not to quarrel. Maintaining friendly relations as neighbors implies the willingness to live on good terms with others and to be useful in principle. Friendly neighborhood care focuses on warmth and often the warmth or intimacy of personal relationships. asked for friendly advice theme music by Joshua Stamper ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP Friendly; mutually indulgent; agreed or approved by parties with conflicting interests or a dispute; as opposed to hostile or adversary. Friendly; mutual indulgence; agreed or approved by parties with conflicting interests or a dispute; as opposed to hostile or adversary. Friendly action. Practically. An action between friendly parties.

Action instituted and enforced by mutual agreement and agreement between the parties with a view to obtaining the judgment of the court on a doubtful point of law, the facts of which are usually settled by mutual agreement. M. V. Veazie, 8 How. 251, 12 L. ed. 1067. Friendly compounds. In Louisiana Law and Practice.

«There are two types of arbitrators, so-called arbitrators and friendly mediators. Arbitrators should appoint as judges, in accordance with the rigour of the law. Friendly compreciators have the right to mitigate some of the rigour of the law in favour of natural justice. In addition, conventional preparers are subject to the same rules as those laid down for arbitrators in this Title. Civ. Code La. Arts. 3109, 3110. The words «arbitration» and «amicable action» used in any obligation or agreement between the parties are not modifiable terms. The first involves the idea of a settlement by altruistic third parties, the second by an amicable submission of questions to a court to be decided according to the legal forms.