Legal Eric Dentiste

A dental crown is a ceramic structure that allows us to cover a damaged tooth in the form of a real tooth. This allows the tooth to be more resistant to fractures by covering the rest of the structure and reshaping its shape, aesthetics, size and strength. An inlay/onlay is a restoration performed in the laboratory that allows us to repeat a tooth after an extensive cavity or defective restoration. Instead of using simpler restorative materials such as amalgam or direct composites, a stiffer solution can be used to maintain tooth rigidity. We respect the guidelines of the health authorities as well as all the rules regarding the risk of COVID-19. In this regard, you can count on the safety of our clinic. Teeth whitening is a safe and simple protocol that allows us to make teeth whiter. This is achieved by applying a peroxide-based bleaching solution, such as carbamide peroxide, which then breaks down into hidrug peroxide. Motivated by excellence, we therefore use high-level technology for most of our files. Exception for dental veneers, because fine aesthetic details can only be done by hand by a dental technician. Our dental practice has its own dental laboratory as well as 3D printers, which allows us to offer faster treatment and facilitate our exchanges with the patient on the proposed treatments. If you have any comments or questions, please contact us by email or via our phone number. Our goal is to offer you comfort and well-being in the short and long term thanks to the quality and durability of the treatments offered by our dentists.

You can also send us a message using the contact form below. In addition to offering you great aesthetics, Dr. Hazan and Dr. Pedro want to offer you effective and long-lasting treatments so that you can have a high quality of life. Each treatment is carefully examined beforehand in our dental clinic so that we can achieve the best result. Our latest generation materials allow us to treat you with great precision. Modern anesthesia techniques have developed to such an extent that they are perfectly tolerated by the patient. If you are very anxious, we can also use other techniques such as conscious sedation.

Periodontology is the area of the teeth specialized in the treatment of the apparatus for fixing the teeth: gums, bone, root cement (tissue covering the roots) and periodontal ligament. The goal is to treat symptoms associated with pathological changes in the attachment tissue: bleeding, bad breath or periodontitis. Made from a thin layer of high-quality ceramic, veneers are mainly used to correct discolored and deformed teeth or even abraded teeth due to excessive grinding movements. They are mainly used in front teeth and allow us to correct the contour, color and dimensions of the front teeth to improve your smile. Dental implants allow us to replace one or more teeth so that you can find a good smile. An implant is an artificial titanium «root», into which a crown, bridge or removable prosthesis is then inserted. Our ultimate goal is therefore to preserve your own teeth as long as possible and to offer you solutions if this is no longer possible. Endodontics is the dental field that includes all treatments of the roots of teeth and root canals.

The need to perform endodontic treatment occurs when bacteria enter the space inside the tooth and infect the tooth.