Legal Fest 2022

The one-day conference provides a platform to learn how to innovate and use technology, connect with legal innovators, build relationships, and discover the technology that matters to you and your business. The Legal Innovation & Tech Fest is the conference designed to inspire those who drive, support and adopt technical and procedural innovation in law firms and in-house legal teams! ACC Singapore is proud to support TechLaw.Fest 2022 #Upyourgame TechLaw.Fest 2022 from July 20-22! The world`s largest conference on law and technology discusses and discusses developments and innovations in technology law and legal technology. Here`s your chance to meet the smartest lawyers and technologists from around the world. The Legal Innovation & Tech Fest focuses on three different areas of the industry: Innovation & Tech, Client Experience & Marketing and Skills of the Future. Your ticket to Legal Innovation & Tech Fest is a gateway to two fantastic days of content, networking and knowledge sharing. We bring together 300+ lawyers to celebrate the talent, technology, innovation, and ideas that are literally changing the way law firms and in-house legal teams work. Supported by: The world is changing. Companies are more demanding. Fee models are evolving. New technologies are emerging. Law firms and legal teams are under pressure to work more efficiently. Technology is disrupting (and enableing) legal practice, which is why we are hosting the Legal Innovation & Tech Fest. To the delight of Relativity users and legal technology industry professionals, Relativity Fest returned in person this week for the first time since 2019.

From October 26 to 28, hundreds of lawyers came to Chicago to participate. The excitement about the return of the face-to-face conference was palpable, as countless attendees posted «#wheelsup» selfies on LinkedIn while tied up. The event takes place annually in Auckland with 300+ attendees, over 25 amazing speakers and over 20 legal technology solutions exhibitions. LawFest`s content and speakers change every year, so don`t miss the 2022 Legal Innovation Event. LawFest is an opportunity for your business to learn more about what innovation looks like, how to achieve it, and what innovative practices others are adopting in this rapidly evolving and disruptive field. It`s about how you can innovate in your own business to increase the efficiency of your business and ultimately increase profitability. This year`s conference showcased products, features, and enhancements focused on AI, data management, and document translation to help users organize data, uncover truth, and act on it. Sign up for your free TechLaw.Fest pass with powerful lunches, sightseeing parties, engaging panel discussions, and technical discussions for 3 days in multiple rooms! Claim up to 5 CPD points in Practice Management and Business Skills. The company`s 13th annual conference featured more than 60 sessions and 11 content leads on eDiscovery and compliance.