Legal Metrology Act Section 48

It is also important to mention here that the Act, as well as the Packaged Goods Regulations, empower both the Director and the Comptroller to inspect the premises and make a seizure to enforce the provisions of the Packaged Goods Regulations[2]. ÐÐμÑ ÑлÐμкÑÑÐ3/4Ð1/2Ð1/2Ð3/4й вÐμÑÑÐ ̧Ð ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ The Department of Legal Metrology issues notices to companies for non-compliance with the various provisions listed in the Legal Metrology Act of 2009 and the Legal Metrology (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations of 2011. Indian Institute of Legal Metrology Rules, 2011 After receiving such notice from the Department of Legal Metrology, the company must pay a certain amount as a penalty for the first offense, and after the third offense, the offender may also end up in jail. Section 36(1) of the Act lists the criminal provisions for non-compliance as follows: [1] The Department of Legal Metrology, established under the Legal Metrology Act 2009, has the power under section 48 of the Legal Metrology Act 2009 to aggravate offences punishable under the Act. Any person who manufactures, packages, imports, sells, distributes, supplies or transfers, offers, suspends or possesses for sale goods which do not conform to the declarations on the packaging provided for by law shall be liable to a fine of up to Rs. 25,000, a fine of up to Rs. 50,000 for the second offence and, for the subsequent offence, a fine, which shall not be less than Rs 50. 000/- may, however, be up to Rs 1,00,000 or imprisonment for up to one year, or both. Click here to find out more about offences and penalties under the Legal Metrology Act 2009. Legal metrology has recently sent notices to various companies, including e-commerce companies, for non-compliance. In a recent development in October 2020, the Department of Legal Metrology had notified several e-commerce giants in India for not displaying the country of origin of the products listed on their portal[1]. [2] M/S Ims Mercantiles Pvt. Ltd.

v. Union of India and Ors. on 11 December, 2015 Rules of Legal Metrology (Model Approval), 2011 Ð Ð Ð1/2аÑÐμÐ1/4 ð°ÐÐ1/4Ð ̧ÑÐμÐ1/4аÐ1/4а ð̧ð1/2Ðμð¿ÑÐμÐ ́ÑÑаа°°°Ð°°²Ð»ÐμÐ1/2Ñð»ÐμкÑÑÐ3/4Ð1/2Ð1/2ÑÐμ ðºÐ1/2ÑÐμ ðºÐ1 /2Ð ̧гР̧, ðºð3/4ÑÐ3/4ÑÑÐμð1/4Ð3/4жÐ1/2Ð3/4 ÑÐ ̧ÑаÑð°Ñð² бÑаÑз ÐμÑÐμ, Ð1/2аааÐ1/2Ð3/4Ð1/4лÐμÑÐ3/4Ð1/2Ðμð»Ð ̧ ÑпÐμÑÐ ̧алÑÐ1/2Ð3/4Ð1/4 ÑÑÑÑÑÐ3/4йÑÑйÑÑвðμ.