Legal System and Method Uon

Legal System and Method I is designed and aims to provide a foundation and foundation for all other law degree programs. The course has a number of substantive legal elements that should not be considered in isolation. Mediation in lawyers` methods and skills is integrated into the substantive law components to provide an introduction to the Australian legal system. Topics in this course include: This module introduces the English legal system and teaches what distinguishes the common law approach as a legal methodology. The legal system and method II examine the nature of the Australian legal system, the constitutional framework and the development of sources of law, including common law and legislation. Through the use of advocacy, this course develops analytical and interpretive skills. Students develop additional skills in legal research, legal interpreting, and written and oral communication relevant to the study and practice of law. The legal system and method 1 introduce the Australian legal system. It analyzes the nature and function of the law, including the development of common law principles in jurisprudence. The course introduces ethical considerations for the legal profession and develops analytical and interpretive skills. Students develop skills in legal research, written and oral communication, all skills that are valued in the study and practice of law. Students will be introduced to alternative models of dispute resolution and their professional role in contemporary legal practice.

Students are introduced to the Newcastle Law School`s legal clinic model and develop best practices for dealing with real clients. An important module to introduce you to the legal research process and understanding of legal reasoning. 3. Identify legal bases and apply them to different scenarios; 5. Write coherently using legal data for different audiences (academic and non-academic); 1. Use legal language and terminology, including accurate quotations; 6. Reflect critically on one`s own learning and the role of legal institutions and «actors» in the legal system; 4. Structure and present a coherent and persuasive argument with confidence using legal data (oral and written); Formal Examination: Open Book Examination: Legal System – Problem Solving in Law Interpretation and Constitutional Law 7. identification of ethical issues in practice; 9.

Oral presentation and advocacy in an interactive dialogue with the teacher and peers in a style compatible with professional client consultations, mediation and negotiations. (ADR). Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: Face to face on campus 6 hour(s) per term Full session starting in week 2.8. recognize and apply a range of self-management and wellness techniques; In Term Test: In Class Quiz – Law Interpretation What do you think is the basic standard in Kenya`s new constitutional order and what is it? To successfully complete this course, each student must meet ALL of the following mandatory requirements: These LSM grades are best suited for exam preparation because of their conciseness. Only essential content is included. Targeted audit These LAWS1010 notes contain all auditable content in tabular form. Written task: Communication – Practical reflection on positive professional identity and law studies Written task: Professional legal communication – client file. When you have successfully completed the module, you should be able to: You must log in and be a purchaser of this download to leave feedback. This course is only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and related combined programs of study. Disclaimer Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site. However, changes can be made to courses and programs.

The University assumes no responsibility for the information provided on this website or for actions taken on the basis of such information. Users are invited to obtain confirmation of the information from the relevant section of the university. Participation: Participation in seminars and workshops*. Written Work: Reflection on the Presence of Legal Clinics/Witness Role Play and Observation Students must have successfully completed LAWS1010 and be active in the Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and associated combined degree programs to enroll in this course. How representation influences the meaning and legitimacy of Australia Day.docx.