Legal Term Kayak

Modern kayaks serve a variety of purposes, from slow and easy excursions in calm water, to complex races and maneuvers in fast whitewater, fishing and long-distance ocean excursions. Modern forms, materials and construction techniques effectively meet these needs while building on the discoveries of the original inventors of the Arctic. Are all examples of VOD that you could take with you in your kayak or canoe. This Agreement permits Subscriber to order KAYAK Services through one or more signed order forms that link to this Agreement, or online through a registration page or order flow (each, an «Order Form»). The Order Form identifies the company for which the KAYAK Services may be used («Subscriber»). In addition to the terms below, each order is considered part of this Agreement to the extent it covers KAYAK`s services. Each party expressly agrees that this Agreement is legally binding on it. Subscriber understands and agrees that KAYAK may amend this Agreement from time to time as permitted in Section 13.8 (Changes to the Agreement) below. If you are an individual accepting on behalf of the Subscriber, you represent and warrant that (i) you are of legal age to enter into a binding contract and have full legal authority to bind the Subscriber to this Agreement, (ii) you have read and understood this Agreement, and (iii) you accept this Agreement on behalf of the Subscriber. Today, almost all kayaks are commercial products intended for sale rather than personal use by the manufacturer. A chin usually increases secondary stability by effectively widening the boat beam when it heels (spikes). A V-shaped hull tends to move straight (track), but makes it difficult to turn. V-shaped shells also have the highest secondary stability.

Conversely, flat shells are easy to rotate, but more difficult to steer in a constant direction. A round-bottomed boat has a minimal surface area in contact with the water and thus minimizes air resistance. However, it can be so unstable that it does not stand when floating empty and requires continuous effort to keep it upright. In a skin-on-frame kayak, chin placement may be limited by the need to avoid pelvic bones. [27] 2.2 Ownership. KAYAK or its licensor owns and retains ownership of the KAYAK Services and all modifications, enhancements, or derivative works thereof, (including Feedback as defined below) and all patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, and other proprietary or intellectual property rights, whether trademarked, unregistered, known or unknown, associated with the foregoing (collectively, «KAYAK Technology»). Subscriber will take such steps as KAYAK may reasonably require to confirm that KAYAK or its licensor owns the KAYAK Technology. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no right, title or interest is transferred to Subscriber, regardless of the use of the words «purchase», «sale» or similar terms. Subscriber may, from time to time, submit comments, information, questions, data, ideas, process descriptions or other information to KAYAK («Feedback»). KAYAK may freely use, copy, disclose, license, communicate to the public, distribute, and exploit the Feedback in connection with its products or services in any manner, without any obligation, royalty, or restriction on intellectual property rights or otherwise. Instead of a Tuilik, most traditional kayakers today use a spray platform made of waterproof synthetic material that is stretchable enough to fit perfectly around the edge and body of the kayaker`s cockpit, and can be quickly released from the cockpit for easy exit (especially during a wet exit after capsizing). Kayaking is a great way to explore Pennsylvania`s natural beauty while enjoying the movement and tranquility of a motorless boat.

The maneuverability of a kayak or canoe means you`ll enter shallower waters and areas where conventional motorboats cannot. 9.3 Changes to the Agreement. Subject to the specific fee change terms set forth in Section 4.1 (Fees and Payment Terms) above, KAYAK may amend this Agreement from time to time and will provide timely notice of such changes via a KAYAK website, email, or other means determined by KAYAK. As advised by KAYAK, certain changes may be effective at the beginning of the Renewal Term. Alternatively, KAYAK may indicate that a change will become effective after a reasonable period of time during Subscriber`s current term; In such event, if Subscriber does not agree to the changes, Subscriber`s sole remedy shall be to notify KAYAK of the termination of this Agreement (such notice must be given prior to the effective date of the amendment specified by KAYAK) and to obtain from KAYAK a refund of all unused recurring charges prepaid by Subscriber for the terminated period of the then-current period. Customer may be required to accept the amended Terms in order to continue to use the amended Terms and, in any event, continued use of the KAYAK Services after the effective date of the change will constitute Subscriber`s acceptance of the amended Terms.