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. Q: Enrique Iglesias tries to make us danceA: Bailamos. Use the best spoiler-free database to find all the answers on CodyCross Inventions Group 42. Tap one of the clues to see the cheating answer. Or use the full spoiler to get the entire crossword puzzle solution in one place. Q: Be everyone else is taken by Oscar WildeA: Yourself Q: Paid time for a person outside of workA: Vacation. Q: Original Scarface also played Louis PasteurA: Paul Muni Q: To blow up something like DynamitA: Detonate. Q: Month to celebrate love and Valentine`s Day: February. F: Circus Plates Act of balance and timingA: Spiders. Q: Intellectual adjective of the brainA: Cerebral.

Q: Fabric sewn on fabric for EffektA: Application. Q: Sweet or salty pieces of dough sometimes stuffedA: dumplings. CodyCross Inventions Group 42 Puzzle 1 Complete spoiler solutions.