Net Weight Legal Requirements

Thank you for all the research and simplification of the rules you do! Your book is my favorite book, but I don`t remember soap having to be labeled with net weight if you wanted to sell it only as soap and not cosmetic. Do I remember wrong? Cosmetics sold with an outer container, such as lipsticks, must have a net weight indication on the lower 30% of the principal display panel on the outer container and on an information panel on the inner container. If the inner container is five square inches or less, the latter requirement is waived. Cosmetics in packages containing less than 1/4 medium ounce or 1/8 fl. Oz. are also exempt from the requirement to display the net quantity of contents on the inner packaging, provided they are sold with a properly labelled graphics card or outer container. The laws regarding the police and the size of the font are the same as for food. (2) A statement of three-quarters of pounds of the weight of Avoirdupoi is expressed in «Wt. net 12 oz».

(i) If the change affects the net weight and/or net weight or drained volume, «The product will be mislabelled. The actual net weight (drained net weight or volume, if applicable) may be up to __% less than the declared quantity. This product is not for retail distribution,» the space that must be filled with the maximum percentage deviation between the actual labeled and actual weight or volume of the contents of each package in the shipping container, and you may not want to put the net weight on the front of the label, but – as they say in the military – «Soak up, Buttercup. Food labelling requirements, including net ingredient quantity requirements, are found in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 101. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also published an industry guide on food labeling, which was updated in April 2008. In addition, most States have adopted some or all of the uniform packaging and labelling guidelines that have the same requirements. FDA laws require net weight to be printed in an eye-catching, prominent, and easy-to-read font style. The color of the letters should provide enough contrast with the background to be easy to read. The letters must also not be more than three times higher than they are wide.

Each work of art must not overload or cover the net weight. 2. Where the indication of net contents appears on a random package, i.e. a lot, dispatch or delivery of packages of the same consumer product of different weights and without a fixed weight scheme, it may, where the net weight exceeds 1 pound, be expressed in pounds and decimal fractions of the pound, to a maximum of two decimal places. If the net weight does not exceed 1 pound, the indication on the random package may be fractional decimal fractions of the pound instead of ounces (see example in paragraph (m)(5) of this section). By not putting net weight on your products, you are not only violating the law AND existing federal and state regulations, but you are doing your customer a disservice. Thank you for your answer, Marie! Your website is very useful. I just have another question, if you have a box, do you need to put the net weight indication on the product on the bottom 30% of the front/PDP panel or can you put it on the rear or side information panel? And if the product has a PDP of >5 square inches, can you put the net weight indication on the back or bottom of the main package? (I`m thinking of smaller glasses where there`s not much space on that front.) (f) The declaration shall appear as a separate element on the principal display panel, be separated (by at least one place equal to the height of the lettering used in the declaration) from other printed information above or below the declaration and (by at least one space equal to twice the width of the letter «N» of the font used to indicate the quantity of content) from the other printed labels.

Information to the left or right of the statement. It should not contain a term that describes a unit of weight, measure or count (e.g., «big quarter» and «full gallon») that tends to exaggerate the amount of food in the container. It shall be placed on the principal display panel within the lower 30 % of the surface of the label carton in lines generally parallel to the base on which the packaging rests as it is intended to be displayed: provided that, for packagings with a principal display panel of 5 square inches or less, the requirement of placement in the lower 30 % of the surface of the labelling carton does not apply, whether: The indication of the net quantity of content complies with the other requirements of this Part. (1) The declaration of a weight of 1 1/2 pounds is expressed as «Net weight 24 oz (1 lb 8 oz)», «Net weight 24 oz (1 1/2 lb)» or «Net weight 24 oz (1.5 lbs)». To determine the correct font size for net weight, first calculate the area of the main display area.