Potential Risks of Hyperledger Fabric Smart Contracts

Here are some of the security threats in Hyperledger Fabric: Blockchain is a decentralized ledger technology and the technology that underpins Bitcoin and Ethereum. Interest in blockchain has increased since its inception. Hyperledger Fabric is one of the trusted blockchain frameworks. One of the features of Hyperledger Fabric is that it uses common programming languages, such as Go, Node.js, and Java, to implement smart contracts (called string code in Hyperledger Fabric). The benefits of using these languages are already known to potential developers, and development tools may already be in place. However, one of the drawbacks is that these languages were not originally designed to write smart contracts. Therefore, there may be risks that developers do not need to consider when using certain languages like Solidity of Ethereum. Even if development tools exist, the question remains open as to how many risks are covered by the tools. In this article, we will focus on the Go language and tools. First, we looked at what types of risks are associated with string codes developed using the Go language and found that there are 14 potential risks. Next, we looked at how many risks can be covered by Go tools, such as golint and gosec, and a vulnerability detection tool for string codes called Chaincode Scanner. Based on our results, we found that some risks are not covered by existing instruments. That`s why we are developing a detection tool to cover risks through static analysis.

Finally, in this article, we describe how you can find the risks with our tool and evaluate their usefulness. In cryptocurrencies, attacking smart contracts is easy compared to others where Hyperledger Fabric can compromise business logic and network execution. Common errors can also occur when handling parallelism. Applications must be considered for external security reasons. Thus, the performance and use of the smart contract must be observed as soon as it is used to detect strange behavior. Hyperledger Fabric now simply uses CFT (Crash Fault Tolerant) consensus algorithms, which means it cannot accept a malicious threat. Currently, byzantine fault tolerance algorithms (BFTs) are being developed, which can accept up to 1/3 malicious from the existing network. However, with the consensus algorithm described above, early detection of the virus can mitigate this threat. Hyperledger Fabric is one of the most popular frameworks created by the Linux organization, based on distributed ledger technology and used to create blockchain applications.

Large companies such as Walmart, FedEx, Visa, etc. have used this service. This attack is carried out by the participant who commands more than half of all execution capabilities or verification regimes of a P2P network. Carrying the blockchain prevalence rule of a cryptocurrency allows that crowd or individual to create and exploit or manipulate transactions. This threat is used to attack the blockchain network in order to lock down credentials, and the attacker will demand the money, called ransomware in exchange for your data. Data can be encrypted, which is only unlocked with a specific cryptographic key. It`s like locking the owner in your own home and asking for money to open the house. A Trojan is a destructive program that does not look like a virus, but attacks the security leakage zone in a P2P network. This affects the blockchain network and can cause problems without user confirmation. Once entered, it generates more malware that would damage the logs.

Proactive measures to mitigate these security threats are only one part of a secure deployment. It is equally important to continuously monitor network performance and security. Many of these threats can only be detected by correlating data across the blockchain network, enterprise infrastructure, and threat intelligence providers. It can be difficult to ingest and respond to this large amount of disparate data, so look for scalability and analysis when securing your environment. Hyperledger Fabric is designed to enable secure collaboration between multiple organizations operating with a limited level of trust. Despite the security improvements made by Hyperledger Fabric, deployments still require careful configuration and monitoring to ensure they operate securely. In this article, we will explore different types of threats that Hyperledger Fabric operators should consider and discuss how they can be mitigated. Here are some common mitigation strategies that can be followed to prevent security threats: Attacks can also be the main algorithms through which a blockchain network is created. Therefore, consensus algorithms are used to handle these attacks as they do not allow any type of attack. More and more algorithms are developing that have more security. Identity theft is a malicious entity that can attack the network system because it hides the original ID of the attacker`s IP address with the real address, so it cannot be identified as malicious. The server transmits the information considering that it is a real system, but in reality, it is a fake and the attacker would penetrate the network system that contains all the information.

Cryptocurrency consists of two public and private keys that must encrypt and decrypt data. They are meant to be processed correctly and securely, if a public key is exposed by the attacker, it results in a private key that is used to decrypt the data. The attacker can easily decrypt the information and steal or manipulate it. A DoS attack renders a network, host, or other infrastructure unusable for legitimate users. It usually temporarily interrupts the host connected to the Internet. These attacks target banks, credit card gateways, etc. They create a load on the web server by triggering a large number of ads on web page requests. To learn more about collecting and responding to Hyperledger Fabric data to minimize downtime, detect incidents, and respond, check out my Hyperledger Fabric Security Monitoring webinar on Wednesday, December 1 at 1:00 p.m.

EST. As an authorized blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric`s network threats are different from popular permissionless chains. For example, 51% of network partitioning attacks and attacks are not as much of a threat to legitimate networks because users are known, their activity can be monitored, and access is managed by access control lists. Some of these attacks are common to all distributed systems such as denial of service (DoS) or consensus manipulation. Other attacks target specific components of a Hyperledger Fabric network, such as the Membership Service Provider (MSP). Hyperledger is an open source project for designing blockchain applications or ledgers. It is created with the support of Go programming technology. It provides a combination of frameworks, standards, templates, and tools for building a P2P network. Its applications are in finance, IoT, manufacturing, information technology, etc. It is divided into two parts: frameworks and tools.