Protest Legal Aid

Demonstrate peacefully in a public place. However, in cases of violence or disturbance of public order, the police may legally disperse the crowd. If you don`t disperse when asked, you can be arrested. Fees may include: The information contained herein has been prepared by Legal Aid for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. This information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship and receipt of this information does not create an attorney-client relationship. You should not respond to the information without hiring professional legal counsel. If a permit is required for the event, the procedures for obtaining a permit in Georgia are different. If you`re hosting an event, check with the city or county about licensing rules. In general, you may need a permit if: Emancipate NC is proud to coordinate a group of more than 40 private lawyers who volunteered to represent more than 100 Black Lives Matter protesters in seven North Carolina counties, including Wake, Durham, New Hanover, Person, Alamance, Rockingham and Buncombe. The size, type and use of signs and banners may be limited.

For example, protesters in the city of Atlanta cannot carry signs more than 1/4 inch thick. Take precautions before going to a demonstration. Know that you could be arrested and that you should have a plan. For example, if you are arrested, you may need a plan to: During a demonstration, you have rights. Note that these rights may be limited to some extent. For freedom of expression during a demonstration. You have the right to express your opinions through your words, signs, flyers or symbolic acts (wearing a T-shirt or carrying a flag). There are limits to your freedom of expression. Here are some restrictions on your speech: If you are stopped by a police officer during a protest, stay calm. Keep your hands where the officer can see them clearly. You have rights at these meetings, but there may be times when the exercise of these rights is uncertain. Your safety is the most important thing.

You cannot protest on private property without the owner`s permission. If you or someone you know has been arrested, has an open warrant, or has been questioned by law enforcement in connection with protests in the District of Columbia, the Public Defense Service for D.C. (PDS) to answer your legal questions. All appeals are handled by one of our firm`s defence lawyers. All calls to the legal advice hotline are confidential and free of charge. After a conversation with you, a lawyer from our firm may be able to represent your legal case comprehensively. However, talking to a lawyer on the helpline and getting preliminary advice is not a promise that PDS can represent you in your case. If PDS is unable to represent you, the information you have received and provided during your call to the hotline will be treated confidentially. If necessary, PDS can recommend recommendations for external services. The hotline will also assist CJA and pro bono attorneys with general legal questions to assist their clients with issues related to protests in the District of Columbia. The hotline is a pilot service.

If you are a protest organiser, we recommend that you call the hotline at least one day before your planned event to ensure that lawyers are available to answer calls for the duration of your planned event. The National Lawyers Guild Mass Defense Program is a network of activists, community members, organizers, legal workers, law students, and lawyers who provide legal support to protests and movements that take an abolitionist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, and anti-imperialist approach to human rights work. Other recommendations and resources for protesters: #KnowYourRights for western New Yorkers during the protest. If you can`t be arrested – perhaps because of your immigration status, lack of childcare, or fear of losing your job – you need to be very careful about protests. Let someone know that you are going to the protest and where it is taking place. Police officers are not legally allowed to take your phone or camera without a warrant or consent. You can`t ask yourself to delete your photos or videos. Members across the country offer Know Your Rights and Legal Observer training, help setting up temporary legal offices and legal support structures, Legal Observer coverage®® at protest events, materials to support activists involved in mass protests, and more. On the way to a demonstration? You can also download a printable brochure.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees us the right to freedom of speech and demonstration. This right applies to anyone living in the United States. You don`t have to be a U.S. citizen to enjoy the right to freedom of expression and protest. However, this right may be limited in time, type and place. These include, for example, the violation of a curfew and entry into private property. You can be arrested if you are after a curfew or protest on private property. Evaluate your individual risk factor when deciding whether or not to protest. Looking for commissioners or legal observers during demonstrations. They are usually lawyers who wear green hats at protests, and they are there to protect your rights.

If you are arrested, try to give your name to a legal observer. Although it is important to know that this is not always possible. In general, small groups do not need a permit to protest on public roads or sidewalks. However, you cannot block traffic or prevent others from using the sidewalks. At Emancipate NC, we understand that protest must go «far beyond public inconvenience, anger or riot» to be illegal. Terminiello v. City of Chicago, 337 U.S. 1, 4-5, 69 pp. Ct.

894, 895-96, 93 L. Ed. 1131 (1949). Understand that COVID-19 poses additional risks to protesters at this time. If you are immunocompromised, elderly or otherwise at risk, you should consider these factors when making your decision. By law, Atlanta Legal Aid and Georgia Legal Services can only provide information about your rights at a demonstration. We cannot give you legal advice or tell you whether you should protest. The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech and peaceful assembly in groups. Sidewalks, parks, and some other public spaces can usually be used for peaceful protests. Depending on where you are protesting, local, state, and federal restrictions may apply. Every time you protest, there is a possibility of contact with the police or arrest. Be honest with yourself about your tolerance for contact with the police and how it will affect you and your future when you read your rights to act accordingly.

Understand that civil disobedience is different from constitutionally protected freedom of expression and protest. This advice may be especially important for immigrants who are not U.S. citizens and whose status could be compromised by arrest and conviction. Participation in events with a group of people, if possible. The Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Georgia guarantee your right to peaceful protest. However, the government can usually set reasonable restrictions on when, where and how people gather to protest. These restrictions can only be established to prevent hazards or disruptions to government operations. These organizations may be able to provide legal assistance if you are arrested during a protest: New Yorkers need to be safe and informed during the protest. We make no distinction between «good» protesters and «bad» protesters. AND. The police may limit the time, place and manner of a demonstration without permission in order to protect the health and safety of participants, prevent property damage or obstruction of traffic, and avoid blocking entry and exit from buildings.

If a city imposes a curfew, no demonstrations can take place during the curfew.