Raf Tattoo Rules

RAF personnel are now allowed to get eyebrow tattoos The RAF has changed its tattoo policy, meaning staff can display more body art while on duty. The new rules come three years after a rejected RAF candidate filed a petition against what she called «discrimination». Regarding the rule change, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said: «The new policy allows tattoos in areas that were not previously allowed and provides that there is no obligation to cover tattoos for any occasion.» Learn more about what is acceptable and what is not under the Air Force tattoo policy. The Defence Ministry spokesman confirmed that «individuals may reapply if the tattoos comply with the RAF`s new tattoo policy». The Air Force does not allow tattoos on the face, head, scalp, neck, tongue, lips or eyelids. A woman who lost 6th place to join the RAF was rejected three years ago because of a small tattoo on her neck. The Air Force`s tattoo policy for 2021 follows the same basis as that outlined in 2017 as part of a sweeping reform: individual tattoos on hands are allowed if they can be covered by a ring, while eyebrow tattoos must still be subject to color restrictions. Tattoos on the neck on the back and sides of the neck are now acceptable, provided they are not visible from the front in uniform. The RAF eased its hardline policy on tattoos to appeal for a dwindling increase in recruits.

A spokesperson confirmed: «The RAF has revised our tattoo policy to ensure we can continue to attract the right people to pursue a career in the RAF and promote inclusion to ensure the RAF continues to be representative of the modern society we serve.» If you have questionable tattoos that could violate the placement or content of the USAF tattoo policy, a recruiting agent may exercise some discretion. Waivers are sometimes granted to military personnel who would otherwise violate the USAF`s tattoo policy. «Individuals may reapply if the tattoos comply with the RAF`s new tattoo policy,» the defence ministry spokesman added, referring to those previously deemed ineligible to join the RAF. Airmen may have the opportunity to get tattooed at a medical treatment facility, or may have to do so themselves. The new rules state that the RAF will pursue a policy similar to that of the Army and Navy. The RAF eases its ban on tattoos to attract a wider range of recruits. If you`re not sure if your tattoo is a violation, you should bring up the topic when talking to a recruiter. Yes, under the Air Force`s new tattoo policy, officers are kept to the same standards as recruited personnel. Your best bet for getting a tattoo removed the «right» way is laser surgery from a qualified laser tattoo removal center. The Royal Navy did the same in 2017, allowing tattoos on the neck and hands, but not under the ankle or palm. The Ministry of Defense recently passed rules stating that the military will not cover any costs associated with tattoo removal.

The same goes for commanders who have discretion when a soldier gets a new tattoo tattooed under their supervision while already on duty. It is difficult for the Air Force to list any type of obscene or offensive tattoos. As with the military, Royal Navy recruits and sailors cannot have tattoos that would be visible on a passport photo. «The revised directive means RAF personnel can have cosmetic tattoos on their eyebrows; A one-finger tattoo that could be covered with a ring, as the dress code allows, and neck tattoos that don`t go beyond the natural hairline. Cosmetic eyebrow tattoos are also allowed as long as they are «natural in shape and color.» Drawings considered obscene or offensive are always prohibited. Recent studies have shown that more than 4 in 10 adults in the 21st century have tattoos. There are several questions we are often asked on Operation Military Kids about the Air Force`s tattoo policy. Previously, aviators were not allowed to have tattoos covering 25% of their bodies, making tattoo sleeves largely unauthorized.