What Is the Definition for Weary

On the one hand, people who are tired of making not one, but two appointments to get the dual-dose vaccines currently available can host a one-stop shop. A flock of tired sheep babbled along the street, tied up, their eyes heavy and bleating softly. Gays watch the woodcutter`s straight excitement with a tired roll of eyes. He rested his head on her hand with a tired gesture. But if you take a closer look at the photo taken in August this year, his tired brown eyes reveal a darker truth. She was tired of the constant arguments between them. Experts who believe summer could be relatively normal remain cautious in the short term, as highly transmissible variants circulate that could lead to a spring increase in cases and pandemic-weary Americans are tired of restrictions. To contain the spread of the virus, people must continue to practice social distancing and wearing masks, even though many have long been tired of changing their lives to protect themselves and their communities. Many consumers feel tired of what may seem like a rush of services demanding the extra money that is at their desk each month.

But the man seems so tired that I decide to skip the boring things and go into the heat. Or, worse, they are designed to appear tired, perhaps in an attempt to appear tired of the world. These simple tools can quickly get your tired muscles back in shape so you can get back to the gym. They fell on their beds, too tired to change. The astronomer plunged into his tired path, another example of a fool and his money soon parted. Tired comes from the Old English word werig, which means «tired». It can also describe being bored and tired of something, such as on a long commute, you might get tired of your father`s singing voice. As a verb, tired means «to exhaust or wear out,» as when the children you keep tire you out with their runaway game every time you tell them to get ready to leave the park. Dehydrated and tired, Marino lay down next to another migrant under a tree and fell asleep. Tired as an adjective means «very tired or exhausted,» like tired students who have completed a long week of study and testing.

Malcolm had chosen it as his training ground that night because he wanted to tire and remove his overly capricious charger. When you raise it, gather all your strength and do not get tired, because you will never go far enough. Just as small letters tire the eye the most, the smallest things bother us the most.