What Is the Legal Basis of Teaching Epp and Tle in the New Curriculum

Republic Act No. 10533 of 2013 on the Improvement of Basic Education aims to improve the Philippine basic education system by strengthening curricula and increasing the number of years devoted to basic education, outlines various approaches that could be used in different subjects, particularly in basic education. This is 1. Constructive approach 2. Collaborative approach 3. Integrative approach 4. Investigation-based approach 5. Reflective approach. 2b.

Experience: Apply theory to practice, understand how pedagogical theories influence teaching practices that serve as the basis for the development and expansion of existing and emerging theories, and continually renew skills and knowledge within your own discipline. (Diversity Competency 3) This then brought discomfort and a different level of challenge, especially for teachers teaching skill-based subjects such as technology and livelihood education (T.L.E.). This requires the skills of the students, not the knowledge they process. It may be a bit common, but T.L.E. can sometimes be a difficult subject. Because of this, teachers struggle to find the easiest way to teach skills, even without face-to-face. EPP and TLE Expected Outcomes/Learning Area: FTD teaching shows: FTD teaching and learning ultimately leads to intermediate tertiary education. Entrepreneurship and employment. The study of the areas of TLE, namely agriculture and fishing industrial art domestic art home economics should lead to technological skills. Technological competence – is the ability to apply technical knowledge, skills and values learned in the four areas of TLE.

For example, when teaching hair and scalp care in the absence of cosmetic materials, they can use local products such as Kalamansi, coconut milk (Kakang-gata and aloe vera) or other seasonal fruits. Also, in Perming, they can use cassava or kamia stalks, plastic or garbage as the client`s PPE and family members can be of great help in getting treatment. In carpentry, repairing their worn furniture in their home is a concrete example of their application. In agriculture, they can plant and grow their vegetables in a back garden, while in the kitchen, they can use the readily available ingredients and their kitchen will be the laboratory area. This also applies to other areas of specialization and other competence-based subjects. The EVP acts as an organization of more than 40 undergraduate and graduate continuing education programs on campus that, through a representative governance process, propose, discuss and establish the curriculum of educational programs and related policies and implementation procedures of interest to the entity. and in accordance with all DENSE and CAEP mandates (Standards 1-5) related to Missouri State vocational programs. University. 3a. Provisions: Self-awareness as a professional educator with a passion for teaching, intellectually curious and possessing intellectual, social and ethical qualities that contribute to the learning and development of all learners in all professional settings.

(Diversity Competency 1-6) The legal basis for teaching the EPP and the TLE 1987 Constitution Art. II, Section 17, It states that the policy of the State is to «give priority to education, science and technology, art, culture and sports in order to promote patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress and promote full human liberation and development.» In our current situation, teaching is difficult. We need to find other ways and solutions to help us provide quality education and overcome these hardships caused by the pandemic. 1b Content expertise: good knowledge of professional discipline and understanding of important ideas in the field and the influences that this knowledge has on pedagogical orientations, teaching decisions and pedagogical actions. (Diversity Competency 3) Teachers come up with ideas, such as video presentations for students so they can see detail by detail how things need to be done, or parents can go to school to record the teacher`s actual demonstration. As for actual performance, learners are then confronted with several puzzles by following the given procedures for parameters that may be different. In the usual constellation, that is, in the laboratory, where materials, tools and equipment are readily available, students do exactly what is expected of them. However, since direct contact between teacher and students is prohibited, students are required to use part of their home as a laboratory.

This leads to several related questions about how they will perform in a place where the setup is somehow different than prescribed. How can we answer these questions? At Missouri State University, we believe that education is essential at all levels of society. Our mission and goal is to develop the skills, abilities and specialized dispositions to facilitate, promote and enhance the learning and development of all people with compassion and equity. We are dedicated to our role in the broader community and seek to create and sustain the necessary movement towards equality, diversity, justice and inclusion. This includes the recognition and removal of biased structures and practices at all levels (PK-16). Concepts, theories and methods related to social justice and the integration of ethical practices to address social inequalities are an important foundation of our programs. All programs in practice honor the Missouri State Public Affairs mission, which promotes ethical leadership, cultural humility, and community engagement. 2a. Holism: affirming diversity and understanding of the «whole child» in the classroom, school, education system, family, community and cultural context; awareness of the challenges and demands of a democratic society; and knowledge and sensitivity to issues such as justice and human diversity. (Diversity Competency 1-6) 2c.

Assessment/Reflection: Conduct valid and reliable assessment to enhance student learning, engage in self-assessment, and use feedback from students, supervisors, mentors, and peers to improve practice and use essential skills for thoughtful decision-making and systematic research. (Diversity Competency 5-6) 1a. Fundamentals: Knowledge of the historical, cultural, political, technological and community contexts of education and the development of the professional and fundamental issues and arguments that underpin its practices, as well as an understanding of the importance of blended learning across disciplines. Diversity Competency 1). The guiding principles set out in this document stem in part from documents that guide our shared vision for the UPP and the assessment of our candidates. These include: 1) our original framework document, which outlines our overall vision, mission, beliefs and learning outcomes, and 2) our current diversity competencies, developed and approved by the EPP Council based on the recommendations of the Diversity Assessment Committee and the EPP Vice-Rector. The original framework and general learning outcomes are archived on the PCOC websites. The Missouri state vocational community believes that effective vocational programs are based on shared beliefs and values about schools, learning, and education that guide curriculum development and the teaching of knowledge, skills, and professionalism. Different content and domains interpret and apply these guidelines based on their unique knowledge bases and professional standards. These guiding principles include the core principles, content expertise, pedagogy, holism, experience, assessment/reflection, dispositions, research/inquiry, and collaboration/leadership, which are common to all professional education programs. The underlying assumption of these guiding principles is that all members of the vocational education community integrate and demonstrate the principles of equality, diversity, equity and inclusion in their programs. Grades 9 and 10 – specialization with personal entrepreneurial skills, environment and market, process/production and delivery.

1. NC 1 – a student receiving an NC I means that he/she is able to perform routine and predictable tasks, has low judgment and works under supervision. «(EC106) EDUKASYONG PANTAHANAN IN PANGKABUHAYAN (PRELIMINARY ROUND) .docx. Our partners include those in schools and community organizations where our candidates observe and practice the development of their skills under professional supervision and mentorship, from admission to their first three years of professional practice.