What Is the Role of the Forensic Document Expert as an Expert Witness in Court

[2] The question of whether the defendant has the right to confront the particular analyst who performed the laboratory tests (as opposed to an analyst who testifies as an expert witness on another analyst`s results) was raised before the Supreme Court in Williams v. Illinois on December 6, 2011. Several courts have recognized the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE) as an appropriate accrediting body for handwriting experts. ABFDE was established in 1977 to «establish, maintain and improve qualification standards for handwriting experts and other court document examiners and to «certify candidates who meet ABFDE`s requirements for such expertise.» The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) also publishes standards for forensic analysis of documents, including handwriting analysis. Court document reviewers are not the same as graphologists, although many people confuse the two professions. Graphologists analyze an individual`s personality solely through their handwriting. Court document reviewers are highly skilled individuals who cover both handwriting analysis and all aspects of document review: determining the printing process, erasing writing, deepening, etc. Some people exchange analysts and handwriting experts, but they are not the same. Handwriting analysts see personality traits in handwriting. Forensic experts use the scientific process to review records.

With appropriate references, court document reviewers` testimony in court is approved. Handwriting experts may also have experience in studying and testing different inks. These skills can help the expert form an opinion about when a document was written or signed, or whether two writing samples were created using the same ink. Law enforcement agencies sometimes ask document reviewers to compare the writing of an anonymous letter with that of a defendant. Other written evidence that a document reviewer may review includes cheques, timesheets, and tax returns. The court examiner not only checks whether the file was written by a particular person, but also whether any changes have been made. As a result, the expert`s role in determining injury has been significantly enhanced by providing the relevant and basic financial information necessary for the trial judge to determine the appropriate amount of damage. Normally, the person who issued the lab report would act as an expert witness in court. By creating a report, this person assumes responsibility for the analysis. This person may be a supervisor or technical lead, but not necessarily the person who performed the analysis. The objection may also call upon experts to refute this assertion, and both witnesses are subject to the standard used by this court (Frye, Daubert, Rule 702) with respect to their opinion.

Malcolm added that experts should be involved early in the process, as they can help reduce process costs by quickly identifying relevant information. On written and typed documents, examiners examine the document to identify watermarks or other aspects that identify the manufacturer, link a defendant to the purchase of that newspaper, or determine whether the newspaper in question was produced at the time the record would have been completed. As experts, handwriting experts can analyze information, form opinions, and prepare reports similar to other types of experts. The courts have accepted testimony from handwriting experts under the Daubert and Frye standards. An expert does not always need to be summoned; However, these men and women can be extremely helpful when used effectively. An expert can help assess and identify different types of damage, and then provide a preliminary estimate of that damage. This helps affected parties determine whether damages require or indicate the need for litigation. These issues are also dealt with in section 702. It only allows «qualified» experts. through knowledge, skills, experience, education or training. In general, being considered a true expert in a field requires significant training and experience. Different forensic disciplines follow different training plans, but most include in-house training, practical assessments and examinations, and continuing education.

The practice of oral presentation, including experience with mock trial (sham court proceedings), is very useful in preparing examiners for questioning in a trial. A document reviewer can also help with a questionable document created with a typewriter. A competent examiner may be able to determine which typewriter model was used to produce the document in question. Some typewriters develop a unique set of features that help the court document reviewer identify which typewriter produced the typewriter. Other investigations include identifying police, ink and ribbons. Ad Valorem Business Create initial assessments and generate reports that can serve as the basis for expert testimony. Because typewriters develop individual characteristics with use, a document examiner can analyze samples made from a known machine, such as the typewriter in an arrested person`s office, into a disputed document to determine whether the paper being examined was typed on the same computer as the identified samples. Like handwritten documents, edits and deletions in a typed report leave important signs that an experienced reviewer may recognize. The checks carried out by document reviewers are varied and cover many areas, including: signatures, proof of change, indented fingerprints, paper, printing, security and identity documents. Most investigations compare a suspicious document (queried) with known authentication standards. Original documents are preferred so that the examiner can evaluate as much information as possible.

If an original is not available, a high-quality copy may be used, as appropriate. An analysis, comparison and evaluation of the characteristics observed by the auditor are noted and significant results are produced in a report with illustrative documents. In a non-destructive environment, examiners protect incoming documents and ensure the integrity of preserved elements. Experts can also play the role of claims expert, one of the most common roles in litigation.