Amended Legal Description

For example, Article V of the United States Constitution provides for ways to amend the Constitution through amendments. v. modify or modify by adding, subtracting or replacing. You can change a law, contract or written statement filed as part of a legal action. Change is usually called a change. Parliament will amend a law, the parties to a contract may amend it, and a party to a lawsuit may amend its own brief. A contract can only be amended by the parties to the contract. If the contract is in writing, it can only be amended in writing (although an oral contract can strangely be amended orally or in writing). A pleading may be amended before being served on the other party, by judicial agreement or agreement between the parties (usually between their lawyers) or by court order. The best known example of this process is, of course, the United States. Constitution that has been amended 27 times since its ratification in 1788.

The first 10 of these changes are the Bill of Rights. A change is a change or addition to the terms of a government contract, law or filing. Such a document may be amended with the consent of the parties concerned. Changes are often used to handle unforeseen events when the original document was created. For example, banking, commercial and tax laws and regulations were drafted long before the existence of the Internet. Many of these laws and regulations needed to be amended to facilitate (and regulate) online payment systems, electronic signatures, online stock market transactions, etc. A change may change a price or deadline. It could correct a false statement in the document. This could solve an unforeseen problem. Parts of the contract that are not modified remain in force. Editing SEC files can be more important than most. The SEC could punish the company for distorting its profits.

The altered profits could trigger a sale by shareholders or even lead to a class action lawsuit against the company. In the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 15 provides for ways of amending a pleading. Article 15 is intended to prevent the parties from being bound by their first wording of a pleading. They may have made a mistake, or they may have received more information, so their original memory may need to be changed. Rule 15(a)(1) allows a party to amend its pleadings for a period of time. Thereafter, it is at the discretion of the court of first instance whether or not to authorize the change, unless the other party consents. Courts consider a variety of factors when deciding whether or not to authorize the change. For these factors, see Beeck v. Aquaslide `N` Dive Corp. See also the amended appeal and the amended brief.

Financial documents will also be amended. Publicly traded companies are required to report their results to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) quarterly and annually. This report is available to all shareholders of the Corporation and the public. If a number is incorrect or an important factor is detected, a change to the result report must be submitted. [Last updated May 2020 by Wex Definitions Team] Practice. The correction of an error made in a trial, pleading or proceeding before a court or in equity that occurs either naturally, with the consent of the parties, or upon application to the court before which the proceedings are pending. 3 Bl. Comm.

407, 44s; 1 Tidd, Pr. 696. Hardin v. Boyd, 113 U. S. 756, 5 Sup. Ct 771, 2S L. Ed. 1141. Any letter made or suggested as an improvement to a main letter. In legislation. An amendment or amendment proposed in a bill when it is passed or in a law enacted; also such modifications or changes, if they are made.

Bremse v. Callison (C. C.) 122 Fed. 722. One of the most common types of change is a simple extension of the terms of the contract. Subscribe to America`s largest dictionary and get thousands of additional definitions and advanced search – ad-free! Local, state, and federal laws can be changed by ratifying the changes. An amendment is essentially a correction. There are many variants, going as far as the process of changing something through parliamentary or constitutional procedures. In the United States, the word is often used specifically for an amendment to the United States Constitution. A constitutional amendment may be proposed by Congress by a two-thirds majority in the Senate and House of Representatives, or by a constitutional convention with majority votes in two-thirds of state legislatures. Once ratified by Congress, it must be approved by three-quarters (or 38 out of 50) of the states. As a general rule, an amendment does not substantially alter or reverse the terms of the document to which it is attached.

When an agreement requires significant changes, a new contract is usually created, not a change. In this case, the change is called a restatement of finances. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word «change.» The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. Changes allow laws and policies to be refined over time, rather than replacing them altogether. Legislative bodies in the United States operate on the premise that laws and policies can be refined over time. This can be done through new laws or amendments to existing legislation. Amendments may be made to take into account circumstances and events that were not foreseen when a law was initially signed. Changes to documents submitted to state regulators are common. For example, if a business changes its name or ownership, a change must be submitted to the appropriate government agencies. Amendment, in government and law, an addition or amendment to a constitution, law, bill or resolution.

Amendments can be made to existing constitutions and laws, and bills are also often made during their passage by a legislature. Since amendments to a national constitution can fundamentally alter a country`s political system or governmental institutions, such changes are usually subject to a well-prescribed procedure. What prompted you to look for an amendment? Please let us know where you read or heard it (including the quote if possible). Nglish: Translation of the amendment for Spanish speakers Change means change by adding, subtracting or replacing. You can amend a law, a treaty, the U.S. Constitution, or a brief filed in a lawsuit. Our editors will review what you have submitted and decide if you want to review the article. Encyclopedia Articles on Change The most well-known changes are those made to the United States Constitution; Article V provides for the amendment of this document. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights. (See Rights, Declaration of.) A total of 27 constitutional amendments were made. For an amendment to be made, two-thirds of the members of each house of Congress must approve it and three-quarters of the states must ratify it. Congress decides whether ratification will be by state legislators or by conventions elected by the people in the various states (although in only one case, that of the Twenty-first Amendment that repealed the ban, the convention system used was used).

In many U.S. states, proposed changes to a state`s constitution must be approved by voters in a popular referendum. «Change.» dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 13 August 2020. In fact, amendments are often added while legislative proposals are being debated and before the final votes.