Audiometric Testing Requirements Qld

For you, as an employer, this means that by January 1, 2014, all existing workers who frequently need to use personal protective equipment (PPE) to expose themselves to noise must undergo audiometric testing (except those who have been employed for less than three months). In addition, new workers must be tested within three months of the start of the test, and all workers must be retested every two years if reasonably required by a health and safety officer on the worker`s designated work group. When providing audiometric testing to employees, it is recommended that employers ensure that the service provider meets the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 1269.4:2014 – Workplace Noise Management – Hearing Assessment (compliance with this specific part of the Code must be included in your agreement with the service provider). This is to ensure that the tests are accurate and performed by an appropriate person. Read information and advice from a variety of sources about the hazards and risks of noise. This should include equipment policies and workers` compensation data for your organization and industry. Check to see if any of your employees have made claims to employees for hearing loss and if repeated audiometric tests have detected hearing loss or tinnitus. Consistent hearing tests for employees who continue to work in or near excessive noise must undergo a hearing test for at least two years. These tests must be performed for a good part of the shift so that temporary hearing loss can be detected. A full baseline assessment is conducted every 10 years and employees must undergo a withdrawal check after leaving their employment at UQ. Comprehensive assessments may also be necessary if significant changes in hearing thresholds are detected. This test is carried out at the expense of the school/faculty/institute.

It is the responsibility of the school, faculty or institute to ensure compliance with this program, and the Department of Occupational Health and Safety will address any non-compliance issues. The Noise Exposure Calculator helps companies determine an employee`s noise exposure during a shift. It also helps determine which exposure checks are recommended and whether audiometric tests should be performed. What do you need to do to make sure you meet all the legal requirements? For more information on audiometric testing, see the 2021 Code of Conduct Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss in the Workplace (PDF, 1.58 MB). Hearing tests in the workplace and spot screening on construction sites In addition to systematic hearing tests, we implement random tests to ensure that no case of hearing damage goes unnoticed. Audiometric testing is an important part of risk management through noise exposure by monitoring workers` hearing. If the tests show changes in an employee`s hearing, you should investigate all the causes and determine if corrective action is needed. In 2011, a new code of conduct entitled «Coping with noise and preventing hearing loss at work» was introduced. This code applies to all of Australia, although Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia have decided to transfer the requirements on 1 January 2014. This means that as an employer, you are required by law to perform audiometric tests for employees in certain circumstances. The hearing of UQ staff exposed to noise can be monitored by regular audiometric examinations. Audiometric testing is an important part of managing the risks of noise exposure in the workplace.

Employees who participate in the hearing protection program are offered a hearing test at the end when they leave their job at UQ or shortly thereafter. The employee`s supervisor is advised to complete a reference form for the output hearing test and return it to OHNA, which will arrange a full audiometric reference test appointment. Contact us for a quote to complete the on-site audiometric testing in Brisbane and stay compliant with the law. The Code also states that if you provide hearing protection to control your employees` noise exposure so that it does not exceed the noise exposure standard, you must perform audiometric tests for those employees («mandatory audiometric tests»). Starting audiometric testing before personnel are exposed to dangerous noise provides a baseline for future audiometric testing. All newly appointed persons at the university who must work in or near excessive noise must undergo a first full audiometric reference test within the first three months of their appointment. This is done at the expense of the school/faculty/institute. All tests must be performed by a duly trained and experienced person, using procedures and equipment equivalent to Part 4: Hearing assessment of AS/NZS 1269: Noise management in the workplace. Advantage Safety & Risk Management Services provides on-site audiometric testing at your workplace in a carefully selected rest room or in our mobile unit.

We perform multi-octave noise monitoring to select the right test location and meet all the requirements of the competent authorities of each state. The UQ School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Audiology Clinic on the St. Lucia campus and other external service providers on the Gatton campus will perform audiometric testing and audiogram assessments according to the procedures described in AS/NZS 1269.4:2005 – Professional Noise Management – Hearing Assessment. Mobile audiometric tests on site at a time that`s convenient for you! Before starting an audiometric testing program, you should consult with your employees and health and safety officers. This way, they understand why you run the tests and how they are part of your risk management program. Each state`s WHS regulations state that all employees who must wear hearing protection must perform audiometric tests at least every two years and within three months of their employment. Each state`s WHS regulations state that all employees who must wear hearing protection must perform audiometric tests at least every two years and within three months of their employment. The occupational health nurse advisor provides the employee with a copy of the audiometric test results after the assessment. Recommendations to prevent injury and hearing loss We give employees and managers practical advice on how to actively take care of their own hearing health, such as wearing protective equipment and limiting exposure to noisy environments whenever possible. As Queensland`s leading OHS consulting firm, Advantage Safety & Risk Management Services is also well positioned to provide noise testing, risk assessments and workplace noise management plans.

We are committed to providing all necessary assistance to identify possible causes of noise-related hearing loss and practical control measures to help you manage noise pollution issues in your workplace. If your organization needs additional support, we can perform a noise test at your workplace when we arrive to perform hearing tests for your employees. Instant reports on individuals Our reporting system is efficient and comprehensive, so you always have an up-to-date record of the audiometric health of your workplace. Advantage Safety & Risk Management Services also gives you access to a nationwide network of audiologists, so you can give your employees the best treatment after an injury or deterioration if necessary. Audiometric evaluation reports include: • A copy of the audiogram to the employee – explain the results and provide a copy of the test. • An approval form to be signed by the employee that allows Advantage`s safety and risk management services to share a copy of the audiogram with the employer. • A report for the occupational health and safety professional representing the employer. This alphabetical list of all tests also includes hearing loss and indicates whether other measures such as a medical or audiological examination are needed. The results of hearing tests that the audiologist reports to be outside the parameters of normal hearing are evaluated by OHNA under the supervision of appropriate experts. In case of abnormal results, OHNA will contact the employee and advise you on the appropriate follow-up. In the case of non-work-related abnormalities, this notice may include referral to the employee`s general practitioner.

The results of the follow-up examinations are sent to the employee along with a written explanation of the results. At the time of the hearing test, employees are asked to complete a consent form for their confidential data, which will be used to provide feedback to supervisors and the occupational health and safety department. We are able to cover all shifts and locations (metropolis or departure) with minimal effort and our efficiency ensures minimal downtime for your business.