Cobalt Legal Estonia

We deal with all kinds of business immigration issues for our business clients. Our experts advise in all areas of a global mobility project, including mapping the most appropriate legal basis for work, drafting appropriate agreements, dealing with tax issues and assisting in obtaining work permits and visas. We advise companies on how to apply local regulations in practice and identify potential immigration problems due to business restructuring. On behalf of the banking sector, we have conducted extensive research and drafted legislation to incorporate the Covered Bond Directive into national law and to facilitate the creation of cross-border hedging pools. Litigation is one of the cornerstones of COBALT`s legal practice. We actively develop dispute and litigation strategies, advise and represent clients in alternative settlement negotiations, represent clients before civil and arbitration courts, administrative and criminal proceedings as well as constitutional courts. COBALT Estonia is one of the largest full-service business law firms in Estonia, which is part of the COBALT Alliance, which covers 4 jurisdictions – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus – and brings together more than 200 lawyers. COBALT also operates international offices covering the Fenno-Baltic, Russia/CIS and German-speaking countries. We are rewarded by IFLR1000 2019 with the highest ranking for financial and corporate work in all Baltic countries and, according to the mergermarket Ranking Report, in 2019 we advised the highest number of transactions among Baltic law firms in the EEC region. Our offices and lawyers are regularly ranked in the top league by the most prestigious legal directories such as Chambers Global, Chambers Europe and Legal 500. COBALT is recognized with: • IFLR`s Most Innovative Baltic Law Firm of the Year Award 2019 • The Lawyer`s Baltic Law Firm of the Year Award 2019 • CeE Legal Matters Deal of the Year Award 2019 for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania COBALT has offices in Estonia, Latvia, in Lithuania and Belarus. Our fund`s practice group has years of experience advising clients on the creation, management and trading of UCITS, alternative investment funds, pension plan products and non-registered fund products. We also carry out due diligence of existing products.

Our legal team will prepare all necessary information about the fund as well as management and operating documents, represent the client when registering the fund in any relevant Baltic jurisdiction, advise and assist the client on compliance, regulatory and investor matters, assist the client in cross-border trading of fund products and provide any other legal services necessary for the day-to-day management of the fund. fund. We play an active role in the development of the venture capital ecosystem. COBALT Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are long-standing members of the Baltic private equity and venture capital associations, and we are present at the most important events and involved in the development of the legislative initiatives that form the legal framework of the sector. Working closely with the venture capital community, we have established an extensive network of business relationships with venture capital investors, executives and entrepreneurs. COBALT is a leading player in providing legal support to a wide range of transactions in the financial markets in the Baltic States. Our Capital Markets team provides a wide range of legal services in the area of DCM and ECM, including those related to IPOs and private placements, listing of debt and equity instruments in regulated Baltic markets, issuance of ADRs and GDRs of local financial instruments on international markets, regulated markets and CSDs, the structuring and implementation of mandatory and voluntary takeover bids, compliance with legal, regulatory and stock exchange requirements set by issuers and investors, legal representation of issuers and investors, advice on market abuse and insider trading as well as OVER-the-counter transactions in listed instruments. Complex business relationships, an ever-changing regulatory environment and volatile competitive conditions have created demand for a highly skilled business law firm. The latter, combined with our team of leading lawyers with industry-specific knowledge and experience, creates a powerful force. We have many years of experience in the field of media and data protection rights.

Our team of experts advises clients on the rights and limits of freedom of expression, privacy, the inviolability of human dignity, the protection of journalists` sources of information and many other media and data protection issues. We offer advice and opinions on the legal regulation of electronic, print and social media activities. In addition, we help with contracts related to routine media activities, such as author agreements, contracts with producers, advertising agencies and distributors of mass media content. We represent clients` interests before national regulators and other authorities and represent clients in legal proceedings related to freedom of expression, reputation and invasion of privacy. Our tax experts are recognized as world-class advisors by leading independent legal directories, and COBALT has been named Baltic States Tax Firm of the Year by the prestigious ITR European Tax Awards. Some say that big things often have small beginnings. Our corporate team supports you in setting up legal entities and branches. Our services cover the entire process, from the analysis of the most appropriate legal form of the company to the practical aspects after incorporation, such as opening bank accounts, VAT registration and other requirements. Our clients benefit from our one-stop approach, which takes care of all legal, tax and social matters, as well as the coordination of tasks related to human resources and office rental with the help of trusted partners. Our administrative and constitutional law lawyers provide services to public authorities as well as private clients and companies in the Baltic States who need advice on the handling of laws, rules, regulations, procedures, permits or complex state enforcement issues. Our clients rely on our in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in this field. We handle a wide range of legal issues, from assisting real estate developers in planning or obtaining a building permit from a local government body to representing a multinational company in enforcement proceedings by a state body.

Administrative disputes are often complex and require regulatory expertise. Therefore, our administrative and constitutional lawyers work side by side with counsel in the respective field and thus offer the best possible result to the client. COBALT has earned its reputation by consistently being at the center of the largest and most complex commercial and financial transactions in all jurisdictions and at the regional level. Cooperation with the largest foreign investors in the Baltic States, large local and international companies and the governments of the Baltic States. We are proud of pro bono initiatives and active work to promote the development of the local legal environment. COBALT also operates international offices covering benenocetic and German-speaking countries. COBALT`s offices and lawyers are consistently ranked in the top league by the most prestigious legal directories such as Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Legal500 and IFLR 1000 and have received numerous awards. Our legal team bases its advice on understanding the various tax, administrative, supervisory, regulatory, enforcement, insolvency, moral hazard and other potential risks in the relevant transactions.