Es Legal Llevar Musica En La Moto

The intercom itself is designed as a «hands-free» system, meaning it can hear or respond to GPS instructions and make phone calls, as well as make two-way calls between groups of 2 or more motorcyclists. But listening to music is not in the equation, so if we think we are legal, we stop at a check, and the agent hears the music, it is understood that we could be sanctioned. The problem for many, which ultimately leads them not to listen to music on the bike, is that they don`t know if it`s really legal or not. From theory to practice, there are several ways to listen to radio or music files while driving our adventure partner. If you do not know them, we will explain it to you. Notes! Intercoms have long been very popular with motorcyclists. Installed in the motorcycle helmet, they work via Bluetooth and have different tools: in short, if you use built-in speakers, you can legally listen to music on your motorcycle. But be careful. The General Highway Code states that while driving: To enjoy it, there are two options: buy a motorcycle helmet with integrated intercom or buy the accessories separately and install it. In both cases, we recommend that you put yourself in the hands of professionals in the sector.

What happens is that there are very few people who have a motorcycle with a built-in audio system, and we assume that is the case. If this is the case, we advise you to be careful and take note of it, because through this post we will give you the keys so that you can listen to music on a motorcycle without the threat of sanctions. Begun! The reasons why you can`t ride a motorcycle to listen to music with headphones are very simple. Not only the fine and loss of points that you face while listening to music on the bike, but above all it is very dangerous, because if you put your headphones in your ears, you will not hear what surrounds you, you will not know what is happening on the road. If a driver beeps you for any reason or a car is going to pass you, you will certainly not hear it, you will be immersed in the music you hear. In this article from Verti, we are going to show you the alternatives to listen to music on your motorcycle. This new formulation of the standard opens the door to the use of intercoms in motorcycle helmets provided they are «certified and approved». And although the text states that they must be used «for communication and navigation purposes», it is assumed that since they are integrated into the headset and not physically attached to the ear, they can also be used to listen to music on the motorcycle. Nevertheless, this type of external systems has evolved a lot and today you can find systems that can be adapted to all types of motorcycles. Their main advantage is that they are completely legal sound systems, while the disadvantages are the sound quality, which leaves a lot to be desired, as well as their durability. If you buy a motorcycle with built-in audio equipment and speakers, use it responsibly with the controls in the pineapple handlebars and do not forget to pay attention to traffic. And if you had to handle the GPS, we recommend that you do it with the vehicle in a safe place.

Don`t play! Currently, these motorcycles have multimedia systems with Bluetooth connectivity, AUX connections and USB ports that make it easy to connect mobile devices to the vehicle. When listening to music on the motorcycle, it is important to comply with regulations to avoid traffic accidents and possible penalties. In this sense, violation of the provisions of the Law on Traffic, Motor Vehicle Traffic and Road Safety and the General Highway Code is considered a serious offense (fine and withdrawal of points from the driving license). In this case, there are judgments that have already ruled in favor of the motorcyclist who applies the principle «Â in dolo per reo». For those mentioned in the General Highway Code, we can conclude that listening to music on a motorcycle is legal. Of course, it warns us that we cannot use headphones or headphones – of those attached to the ear canal – or similar instruments. Finally, when taking out motorcycle insurance, we recommend that you include equipment coverage. So, in the event of an accident, your motorcycle helmet is covered with built-in intercoms and optional accessories such as motorcycle speakers, provided they are specified in the font. A few months ago, we told you that intercoms would be legalized once and for all. We received this news with great joy, but also with some suspicion, because it was not the first time that this rumor was heard in the world of bikers.

It is forbidden to use mobile phones and other means or instruments of communication, unless the communication is done without manual use or without wearing headphones or headphones. The penalties you face if you listen to music with headphones on the bike are mainly the loss of three points. and up to 200 euros fine. When we drive in a car, listening to the radio or our favorite songs while driving helps us make the commute more enjoyable.