How Much Do Legal Videographers Make

If you`re looking for a steady salary, try an employee position at a court reporter agency like Planet Depos. If you want to make more money and are willing to take bigger risks, become a freelancer. If you`re still on the fence to get the book and video «How to Become a Legal Videographer,» keep in mind that legal videographers are quickly becoming an indispensable part of the legal system. Career opportunities for legal videographers are increasing across the country. Many courts and lawyers are now implementing high-tech methods that make legal videographers in high demand. There is also a shortage of legal videographers, which makes this career a good choice. While a college degree is not a requirement to pursue legal videography studies, many employers prefer to hire a certified person to verify that they are capable of doing the job. Certified Legal Video Specialist (or CLVS for short) is the main certification that can be obtained as a legal videographer. This certification consists of three parts: When negotiating your salary for a job as a legal videographer, it`s important to know your value. Research the current prices for your location in your area and be prepared to back up your claim with data.

If you can prove that you are being paid below the industry average, you will be in a strong position to negotiate a raise. You also need to start networking to find local contacts. Use social media or professional networking sites to make connections. Start with people you know and ask for recommendations. You can also join local business organizations to meet people with similar interests. Attend professional events and meetings to expand your network. As you can see, there are several options for legal videographers. The company or company for which each videographer works largely determines the type of jobs they get. Advances in technology have made civil litigation more efficient and lawyers who use this technology more efficient.

As a result, a corresponding increase in a variety of technology-intensive legal jobs has been observed in recent years. One of these careers is a legal videographer. A legal videographer, also known as a forensic videographer or courtroom videographer, is responsible for using video equipment to capture digital images in civil court proceedings. Recording statements is how legal videographers spend most of their time. The statements often contain exhibits, which must also be recorded by the videographer if necessary. Sometimes exhibits or evidence that have not been presented as exhibits are filmed outside of a repository environment. Filming a damaged vehicle during inspection is a good example. Legal videographers also occasionally record a court case that is not part of a case; Do real estate executions and transactions fall into this category? The future is bright for those working in the field of legal support. According to, the employment of legal advisors is expected to increase by 8% from 2016 to 2026, slightly above the average for all professions. Judicial reporting is crucial to court proceedings, as it creates a record of what happened and what each person said.

Court reporters, also called stenographers, capture speech through writing. In some cases, legal videographers complement the work of stenographers by capturing the event on video. Read on to learn more about a legal videographer. Occasionally, a law enforcement agency has a legal videographer on staff. The main job of a videographer in this capacity is to record investigations or evidence at the crime scene. However, many of these positions are held by independent clerks or videographers. Many community colleges or trade schools offer these programs. A basic understanding of the above areas will give you a competitive edge when applying for legal videographer positions. You can read more about filming a video statement as a legal videographer here.

The first step to finding a job as a legal videographer is to sell yourself to people or companies in the field. Contact a planning coordinator at a judicial referral agency and submit your resume. Be sure to include any certifications you have. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2017, the average annual salary for legal videographers was $55,120 ($26.50/hour). Videographers in this field generally earn more than videographers in other fields. What is a legal videographer? A legal videographer is responsible for recording legal proceedings. In most cases, a legal videographer uses professional audio and video equipment to record court trials. They also record legal statements or even evidence of a lawsuit, such as damaged property.

Sometimes a legal videographer is used to record an important meeting such as a large real estate transaction or even signing a personal will to resolve possible disputes in the future. While traditional court reporters use stenography to create a verbatim written record of proceedings, legal videographers create a video recording of the proceedings. Video captures what transcription cannot. The video documents facial expressions, long pauses, and other nonverbal cues. This creates a more complete record for judges, lawyers and litigants. Once you`ve reconciled with your college education, for better or worse, you now need to focus on the technical aspects of legal video. Mastering basic videography skills (everything needed in legal videos) is essential. If you don`t have these basic videography skills, consider working or volunteering to help other videographers. In addition, you can attend training workshops led by professional videographers and seek advice from other legal videographers to gain experience. You may even be offered the opportunity to volunteer with them. A legal videographer or legal video specialist documents court proceedings via video.

Unlike written transcripts, videos of the event can capture the facial expressions and personalities of the people involved. This creates a more complete record for judges, litigants and lawyers. After the trial, the videographers edit the recording with voice-overs to identify the witnesses. In some cases, the videographer synchronizes the transcript and recording, making it easier to reference certain parts of the process. The cost of a video deposit recorded by a certified videographer can cost anywhere from $200 to $400. The cost may be higher depending on the length of the process. In some cases, videographers charge by the hour if they know it will be longer than the normal session. To become a legal videographer, you need to master videography skills. You should be familiar with video equipment and software, including editing and voiceover.

You can learn these skills by volunteering with other videographers or attending videography workshops. Most legal videographers work for societies of court reporters. Companies with large volumes often employ a dedicated videographer, while smaller companies employ independent videographers. Employed videographers earn a fixed salary and work under the direction of their employer. Independent videographers have more flexibility in their work because they choose the cases to accept and the amount to charge. Occasionally, lawyers or clients hire a videographer to record the signing of contracts. Law enforcement agencies also hire videographers to record evidence or crime scenes. Other titles for a legal videographer are courtroom videographer or forensic videographer. This knowledge should give you insight into some of the jobs a legal videographer is responsible for. Here are some of the things a legal videographer records: Once you`ve made the decision to make legal videography your career and you`ve done enough research on how to use professional videography in a lawsuit, it`s time to sell yourself to the people responsible for hiring legal videographers. The appointment coordinator at a court reporter firm should be at the center of your marketing strategy. However, it is worth mentioning that paralegals and lawyers themselves may be interested in hiring a legal videographer directly.

Keep in mind that there are at least a thousand lawyers for each planning coordinator. Many legal videographers who choose to work as freelancers may also take on other types of video clients who can increase their salary at will. Legal videographers who work for a court reporter firm usually can`t work with other clients on the side. However, they earn a consistent salary, which a freelance videographer does not have. To become a legal videographer, you must obtain a legal video specialist certificate. The three steps to certification are: The National Association of Court Reporters (ANRC) is sponsoring the videotape at the Legal Environment Seminar. This legal video specialist training takes place twice a year at various locations across the country. The seminar covers a variety of topics, including CLVS standards for video filings, the CLVS Code of Ethics, and a hands-on workshop.