Ibm Atlas Legal Hold

View open and closed tasks by individual and the usage status of each employee. Get accurate forecasts and automatic updates for subsequent quarters to improve workforce planning. Align IT resources with expected workloads. Use dashboards to get information about workload by employee, discovery type, and asset class. Search for laid-off employees to identify active locks and recoveries. Dispose of data from laid-off employees if necessary. View past and current collection activities in a single, convenient dashboard. Find current legal retention periods and recoveries by employee or system. Avoid accidental deletion of pending data. Automatically log legal requests in your ticketing systems. Provide comprehensive retention and capture instructions with complete and relevant vault and data settings in a collection workbook. Share tasks and task lists within the data collection team.

Combine initial hold notifications with custodian bank questionnaires and integrate hold compliance tracking. Set intervals for reissuing the questionnaire, track responses, and set escalations for non-responses. Create a standard questionnaire library. Update questions as needed. Automatically organize recipient responses into groups, questions, answers, and follow-up actions. Set automatic alerts and action items for specific responses. Define, track and monitor various retention, collection and discovery activities in a single system of record for greater integrity and fewer manual records. Follow the natural sequence of events and iterations during a typical life cycle of matter.

Automatically detect exceptions for queues, collection requests, and interviews, and send alerts to legal staff via email or dashboard. Specify the legal team for highlighted issues and automatically share alerts and action plans. Segment and manage messages for large vault lists. Identify administrators based on many attributes, including their responsibilities for documents or IT systems and their involvement in the contentious topic – by department affiliation, function, role, and other criteria. Define and track data sources involved in business. Add data sources and delete them as objectivity changes. Track the assets of laid-off employees and notify the appropriate legal staff when custodians transfer or terminate their assets. IBM Atlas eDiscovery Process Management helps lawyers, paralegals, and discovery managers effectively manage a rigorous and highly defensible legal retention workflow.

It allows companies to use external advisors more effectively by electronically querying custodian banks and reducing the amount of data collected and verified. IBM Atlas eDiscovery Process Management can create a more reliable and defensible process dataset for better, more cost-effective legal outcomes. View custodian collection instructions, capture notes and download data, and document the location of collected information stored outside of Atlas products. Search for a collection of business by custodian or search for a depositary in several cases by requests for recovery. View relevant instructions on a single page, including detailed employee information. Ask about legal staff`s notes on the depositary`s file, settings, and date ranges. Quickly identify the work already done on a collection. «IBM StoredIQ for Legal provides robust management of eDiscovery processes, from lock notification to identification, retention and collection. Legal departments can use a single interface to manage all data retention and collection requirements. The solution includes automation, analytics, and insights throughout the process to increase efficiency while reducing the complexity, cost, and risk associated with eDiscovery events. StoredIQ for Legal can be deployed both on-premises and in the cloud.

As for Breakwater, it was founded in late 2020 and is based in Texas. The CEO is James Schellhase, who previously worked at IBM and was most recently executive chairman of legal tech giant McCarthy Finch until it was sold to Onit last year. The new group also received private equity funding from JLL Partners. TR`s Carlos Gamez joins Frontline, a member of LexFusion – in-depth interview And as for the software itself, Big Blue said the following: And regarding the relationship with IBM, Madhu Kochar, vice president of product management for data and AI at IBM, said, «IBM works closely with Breakwater Solutions to support our customers and their evolving file analysis needs and of eDiscovery. It`s an interesting decision, and Artificial Lawyer has to say that this site didn`t even know IBM had eDiscovery capability. But. Right now… now it seems that Breakwater is the company that runs this software. An Enlyft team member will get back to you within 24 hours with more information. Overview of BlackBoiler`s automated contract mark-up capabilities Looking at IBM Atlas eDiscovery customers by industry, we find that information technology and services (28%), financial services (11%), oil and energy (5%) and legal (5%) are the largest segments. A spokesperson for Breakwater told Artificial Lawyer that while it`s not IBM, it`s about creating a new company — since it`s all handled by Schellhase and the investors — that «Breakwater takes over the intellectual property rights to the software and pairs them with experienced advisors, as Navigant did before. [And] they`re transitioning IBM customers to Breakwater.

76% of IBM Atlas eDiscovery customers are located in the United States. Of all customers using IBM Atlas eDiscovery, a majority (65%) is large (>,000 employees), 10% small (Schellhase said, «In addition to [IBM software and financing], I`m pleased to announce that our founding team includes Jim Vint, former head of technology practice at Ankura and Navigant Consulting, to lead our consulting practice. We are excited to have the opportunity to address our clients` challenges, and initial feedback from clients and analysts has been very positive. We use best-of-breed indexing techniques combined with advanced data science to monitor the market share of more than 15,000 technology products, including law practice management. By scanning billions of public documents, we are able to gather in-depth information about any business, with an average of over 100 data fields per company. In the Law Practice Management category, IBM Atlas eDiscovery has a market share of approximately 0.1%. Other important and competing products in this category include: support for comprehensive and concise instructions and self-service options for data collectors. Use a capture task dashboard designed for discovery coordinators to track workloads and view reports by system, custodian, and collector. Select a task from a list and exclude some or all of the items.

Automatically log, index, and update an audit trail for uploaded documents captured with Atlas products. Index document types using the database indexing features for some Atlas and database products. The cost depends on several factors, such as the number of records, the number of products, and the use of advanced filtering and search criteria. Breakwater acquired IBM StoredIQ, IBM StoredIQ for Legal, IBM StoredIQ InstaScan and the IBM Atlas suite of products. Through a partnership agreement with IBM, Breakwater «will now provide continued support, investment and commitment to the future of these products.» Breakwater will help current IBM users of these products redeploy their existing environments, they added. Certainly not! We will not add you to a mailing list or send you marketing materials without your permission. Choose from several collection templates that include functions to fill space for collection requesters.