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NOW you need to distinguish what kind of monkey you want. The most recommended are the so-called marmosets. Marmosets belong to small breeds of monkeys and can be purchased in Germany from various breeders. (just Google) These have a size of about 25 cm. plus about 35 cm in tail length. (so not so small) We say it clearly: monkeys are wild animals and should not be kept as pets. In the following text, we show you the reasons for this. Monkeys are sociable animals that should not be kept alone. Keeping them in pairs is the minimum, as animals live together in groups in nature. As a result, the walk for two monkeys must be large. Small monkeys can be tamed, but often become aggressive with age, which can be another problem in breeding.

Monkeys, although they can be kept under certain conditions, belong to exotic animals and are the absolute exception as pets. As a result, it can be difficult to shape daily life with new roommates. Many breeds need a special feed that you can not buy in the nearest pet store or pet store. Difficulties can also arise in finding a veterinarian, as local veterinarians can hardly gain practical experience. Compared to dogs or cats, monkeys often reach a very old age. Many primates live up to 40 years and even longer if they are properly bred. So an important question before buying is whether you can and want to take care of the animal for so long. Most people start from the idea of keeping the monkey in their own home in order to treat it particularly intensively. (#03) The first question that arises is whether it is even allowed in Germany to keep a monkey as a private individual. The answer to this question is: Yes! However, only if you comply with the strict regulations for the keeping and acquisition of these animals.

The next question that arises is what to consider when buying and caring for these pets. This guide explains how to do this if you want to buy a monkey. Poisonous snakes, spiders, monkeys, crocodiles, kangaroos or tigers – basically you can buy almost any animal in private. Demand is high, the black market is booming. There is little legal regulation when it comes to exotic animals in this country. If you want to buy a monkey, then you should opt for smaller species. Capuchins, for example, are relatively well suited. These animals are native to South America, which is why they belong to the group of New World monkeys. Within this family, there are various offshoots such as capuchin monkeys and squirrel monkeys. You can keep both types as a private person.

Capuchin monkeys and squirrel monkeys are relatively small and therefore do not need an enclosure as large as great apes. Due to their small size, they also pose no danger to the owner. In addition, marmosets offer themselves as pets. These are usually a bit smaller and therefore relatively easy to keep. Some biologists consider marmosets to be a subfamily of capuchins. Other researchers, however, deny that this is an offshoot of this group and classify marmosets as a separate family. Most people start from the idea of keeping the monkey in their own home in order to treat it particularly intensively. However, as already described, an outdoor enclosure is one of the requirements for keeping these animals. Therefore, the question arises whether the monkey is also allowed to enter the apartment.

In principle, this is possible, but it is important to take preparatory measures. First of all, there is a major limitation when buying a monkey: the acquisition of endangered or protected species is prohibited. This already severely limits choice. In addition, it is important to process the purchase legally. For this, it is necessary that the seller gives you a written certificate confirming that the monkey was born in the EU or legally imported into the EU. If you do not have this certificate, there may be problems with animal protection authorities.