Legal Aid Reference Letter

Written references about your good character can help your case in court. This information will help you if you need to gather character references to use in court. Get informed: These people can be neighbours, family friends, co-workers, members of clubs or organizations to which you belong (e.g., community, sports, religious, political or other groups). Any reference must be made to either the «presiding judge» or the «presiding judge». This will help your lawyer if you can provide the original reference to the court and a copy to your lawyer. If you represent yourself, keep one and give it to the court. Most of Steve and his family`s savings have already been spent on the victim`s hospitalization costs. He also had to request temporary leave to address all relevant legal concerns in this case. Have the reference signed and dated. This reinforces the fact that the character reference is up-to-date and written specifically for the case.

It`s best to also include your contact information (phone number, etc.) so the prosecutor, judge, or judge knows you`re easily reachable if they need to clarify something. The judge will read the reference before deciding on the sentence. The court prosecutor will also read the reference. A character reference letter for the court is important because it gives a direct insight into what a person is, often in a way that no lawyer – no matter how well – can explain. Because you know what consequences a criminal sanction will have for the person. How a certain pain affects work, family, etc. of a defendant must be clearly communicated in your character reference. Will the defendant lose a promising career if a conviction is imposed? Would the defendant`s family suffer if his driver`s licence were revoked and the family`s only source of income was the defendant`s profession as a driver? A judge or magistrate may take these factors into account when deciding on the appropriate sentence. If your arbitrator needs help writing the letter, ask them to contact your lawyer.

If possible, write the character reference on the official letterhead. You must also include your position or qualifications, if applicable. Know what the person is pleading guilty to. You must clearly indicate this in the character reference, as you will see in the following models. The court needs to know that you were told what the person did. Writing a character reference for the court for a person charged with impaired driving is different from writing a reference for a person facing a sexual charge. A character reference written by someone who knows you well can be helpful when you go to court. Character references show the court that people have a high opinion of you in your daily life, even if you have broken the law. The judge will read the character reference before deciding on the sentence to be imposed. Referrals can have a big impact on the sentence you receive and can be important when applying for a sentence order for use.

If you go to court, it is helpful to give written references about you. A reference is like a letter to the judge about you and your life. References give independent opinions about your character and background, which the court can consider. Write the character`s reference so that it is formal but speaks honestly about that person. If you are applying for a lapsed conviction order at sentencing, it can be very helpful to provide some character references to support your claim. The best character references are from family or friends. The courts don`t care if the local priest sees you from time to time. The courts want a character reference for the court to deal with the question «Who are you?» in the context of the crime. Your reference should include the following information: A character reference really helps the judge make an impression of the accused. Because you know the accused well. How you got to know the defendant should be clear in a character reference letter for the court.

You don`t have to be an important person publicly. The person who writes a reference for you is called an arbitrator. Before you ask someone to become your arbitrator, you need to tell them why you need to go to court. It is very important that the adjudicator is aware of previous convictions you have had for the same type of charges and that he or she mentions them in your reference. For example, if you have been convicted of assault in the past and you go back to court for assault, your adjudicator should know about this and mention it in your reference. It`s a good idea to get one or more references from people who «have a good reputation.» This means they have no criminal record or a bad reputation. If the accused has never been in trouble, this should be highlighted in the character reference. The fact that the accused has always led a very positive life should be clearly emphasized in writing. The information in this fact sheet is current as of February 2019. This content serves only as a source of information and does not constitute legal advice. This is correct at the time of publication, but the laws change. If you have a legal problem, you should seek advice from a lawyer.

Provide this as soon as possible and in good time before the hearing date. The lawyer must first review the reference and decide whether or not to use it. When reviewing the reference, a defense attorney may also learn more about the defendant, which can be helpful in court. A character reference letter for the court is very important. There are templates and examples further down this page. Good character references are an important part of a lawyer`s job. Your lawyer should discuss this with you and give you advice so that you get the best possible referrals. But if they don`t help you, there is a lot of material on this page that should help you. As you will see in the following character reference models, the character reference should be addressed to the following address: An employer may not be able to say much about your character other than what they know about your behavior at work. However, a short letter from your employer can still be helpful in showing the court that you are currently working and can act responsibly. Indicate whether the charge is a first offence.

This is very important. There is no need to write a character reference for the court that characterizes the crime as «atypical» if the defendant has already done so. Be very careful when discussing the facts of a case in detail, and if you do, be sure to first read the summary of facts that will be read to the judge or judge. A single page is long enough for a reference. Character reference should: Family members can also provide references to explain any problems you may have in your personal life and to show the court that you have their support to try to change things. This page explains how to write a character reference for someone who goes to court for breaking the law. Before writing a character reference letter for the court. ✓ How much is the fee? ✓ Is it a first or subsequent offence? ✓ Which court is handling the case? ✓ Who provides the character reference? ✓ Are there any positive things about the accused? ✓ How does a conviction affect the defendant`s work, family, etc.? Write the reference like a letter.

Type it and put it on a letterhead if you have one. References are only useful if they are specific. Overly general indications that do not link their general character to the offence or offences committed are not useful in the courts. It`s a good idea to get more than one referral from a variety of people you`ve known in different ways. Character references should include the good things mentioned above and also say: Because you know the person has positive qualities. Not everyone may know someone`s good qualities, especially the judge or judge. A character reference should convey the many positive qualities of the accused. Did the defendant work on a voluntary basis? Does the accused care for the sick? Or maybe the defendant is a coach of a junior football team and is highly admired by all members of the team. Explain this to the magistrate or judge by quoting certain details that paint a clearer picture of a person`s life. Ask your referee to keep your reference short (half a page to two pages). The judge will read the reference to court that day.

The referral is more useful if you have known the person for a long time or have had a lot of contact with them.