Legal Definition of Contingent upon

Former Texas Governor Ann Richards was a big fan of the Texas Rangers, one of whom was her protection agent. Pending: In this case, an offer was accepted and contingencies were met. At this stage, new proposals are often not accepted, as only the legal documentation to conclude the sale has not yet been completed. Accidental; depending on the possible occurrence of a future event whose existence is not assured. The blazer quota has gotten closer; they pretend to recognize me as «Cousin Bill.» I met him on the way to the building, which seemed to be a clearing house for the official contingent. Possible, but not secure; doubtful or uncertain, due to the occurrence of a future event that is itself uncertain or questionable. Verdier v. Roach, 96 Cal. 467, 31 Pac. 554.

This term, when applied to a use, a remainder, an invention, a bequest or any other legal right or interest, implies that there is no present interest and that the question of whether this interest or right will ever exist depends on an undetermined future event, according to Jemison v. Blower, 5 Barb. (N.Y.) 692. The largest quota came from the SEC, with 10 of the 14 member schools not disclosing the number of positive results. The problem is that ethical truths are necessarily true, and necessary truths cannot be explained without going beyond the contingent states of the physical world in some way. A time-barred claim is not provable, nor is any liability. In 2010, Cuba contributed the largest contingent of medical personnel after the severe earthquake that struck Haiti. It`s home to many of the country`s most rabid fans, a particularly vocal contingent of college football tribalism that isn`t afraid to proclaim with frequency that sport means more here. Counter-protesters marched to confront the pro-police contingent, which was separated by barricades and uniformed officers. They encountered a crowd of bullies who had cut themselves off from Gwalior`s contingent. QUOTA.

What can happen or not;. depends on a suspicious event; as a contingent liability, which is a debt that depends on an uncertain event. 9 ves. Il. 110; Banker of the Company. Statutes, 245; 7 ves. Il. 301; 1 ves.

& Bea. 176; 8 Ves. No. 334; 1 Rose, r. 523; 3 R. T. 539; 4 R. T. 570. A conditional inheritance is an inheritance that is not acquired.

Will. on executors, H.T. See unforeseen; Conditional use. «The union did not organize an official contingent to participate in the protests,» Kim said. If you`re looking for a new property, you`ll almost certainly come across homes marked as «pending» or «contingent» in real estate listings. Indeed, there are many different stages of a real estate transaction and new offers can be made even after the seller has accepted another one depending on the circumstances. Adj. possible, but not secure. See: Potential beneficiary, contingent interest, contingency fees) Properties that are no longer simply marked as «for sale» but are still advertised as conditional or pending will not be sold in full. However, the two statuses indicate very different stages of the sales process. This depended to some extent on the safety precautions of retailers. quota refers to an event that may or may not occur; Something that is possible, uncertain or unpredictable.

For example, trust was contingent. It could also mean being dependent on something else; Conditional. For example, A`s acceptance of the position was conditional on the company also agreeing to guarantee her husband a job. However, the main contingent of crusaders could use transport ships sailing directly from Europe to Palestine. A surprisingly large Irish contingent took part in the infamous conscription riots because they did not want to compete with blacks for jobs. Random, random, random, contingent means that no planning or prediction is possible. Accidentally stressing out chance. Any resemblance to real people is completely coincidental and so strongly suggests a coincidence that it often means a complete absence of cause. A series of random events casually emphasizes the absence of real or apparent intention or intent. A chance encounter with an extraterrestrial contingent suggests the possibility of this happening, but emphasizes uncertainty and dependence on other future events for existence or occurrence. The unintended effects of the proposed legislation Until the keys to the property have been officially replaced, counter-offers can often be made.

In many cases, it is possible to make offers for contingent apartments. This is usually the case when the seller wants to talk to other buyers or suspects that their current buyer might not be able to deal with the unexpected. (meaning 1) borrowed from French, «part that returns to a in return, part given or received in a joint effort, corps of troops provided by an ally», noun derived from contingent, adjective, «falls on someone as part, dependent, conditional entry 1»; (meaning 2) Name Derivation of conditional entry 1 The word conditional means that there is no current interest or right, but only a conditional right that takes effect upon the occurrence of the specified condition.