Legal Nurse Consultant Orlando Fl

Do shows like Law & Order and CSI do everything right? Usually not. In this lesson, you`ll look at the evidence to see why most TV shows get it wrong. Do you want to know the difference between circumstantial evidence and direct evidence? Here, you will learn how to distinguish between different types of evidence and how to use this knowledge to your advantage when communicating with lawyers. From this lesson, you`ll be able to tell your friends what`s right (and wrong!) about legal TV shows. Are you a little scared to start your own business? Does the idea of charging fees, keeping records, and creating a business plan leave you with sweaty palms? Not according to this lesson. You will follow step by step the process of creating a nursing consulting practice, from the equipment you need to the services you offer to law firms. You`ll learn how much you should charge and best practices for selling yourself to the legal community. The lesson will also review the questions lawyers are likely to ask when considering hiring you. Why do you need to know how to conduct legal research? On the one hand, it`s about how you can help a lawyer win a case. On the other hand, it`s a great way to do more business. In this lesson, you`ll learn legal research from scratch – you`ll be surprised at how simple the topic is. After completing this lesson, you can be sure that you can go anywhere in a law library and know exactly where to go and what to do.

In this online course, you will learn everything you need to know to become a legal nurse consultant. Outside of nursing practice, legal nursing advice is one of the most unique options for nurses today. This role means you are more than a nurse. You are an expert witness who advises lawyers on medical processes, procedures and terminology. In addition, this possibility also extends to other health professionals. The legal field needs qualified medical professionals, so if you want to diversify, work remotely, or earn extra income, you need to learn how to put your medical knowledge to work for you. Have you ever wondered how lawyers become lawyers? Or how can law firms afford to pay consultants? In this lesson, you will examine law firms and learn about financial arrangements between partners and associates. You`ll also explore the jargon needed to negotiate the highest fees from plaintiffs and insurance defense companies.

You will see exactly why there is such a demand for nurse legal consultants and how to create a resume that will make a lawyer sit down and take note. Imagine entering a courtroom as the right-hand man of a litigator. They assist in jury selection. They suggest questions that the lawyer should ask medical witnesses. They consult the lawyer at the main hearing. In this lesson, you will learn to master all of these skills. You will get to know the intricacies of your exciting new profession and recognize the potential you now have as a legal nurse consultant. Once you`ve learned your skills, you`ll be ready to tackle the two types of cases where you earn most of your income as a legal nurse consultant: assault and medical malpractice. You will examine how these cases are brought and why you are absolutely necessary to make them successful. As an expert in medical malpractice, what is your place? How do you help lawyers prepare these cases? More importantly, how can you show potential lawyers that they are more likely to win their case with a legal nurse consultant than without? This lesson answers these questions and many more. Nurse legal consultants have years of experience reviewing medical records and critical care. Nurses look at the inner workings of the hospital from a unique perspective – we interact with all members of the care team and know the system, both medically and administratively, inside and out.

Nurses will notice gaps in care and protocol that a third party or non-nurse in the health care system will not recognize. A legal nurse consultant will give you a competitive edge by providing you with a thorough and cost-effective review of medical records. If one of your biggest stumbling blocks to becoming a nurse legal consultant is that you don`t know enough about the U.S. justice system, this lesson will demystify the whole process. In this lesson, you will learn about the legal system and see that the law is not as complicated as you might have feared. You will also see how you can put this theoretical knowledge into practice when you begin your practice as a legal nurse consultant. In this lesson, you will examine a civil case from beginning to end. When you`re done, you`ll understand every step of a civil case and know exactly where a nurse legal advisor fits into the process. You will also learn important terminology that will allow you to interact with lawyers and let them know that you are a legally trained professional.

This lesson will give you the solid foundation in civil law that you need to have before you can start your new career as a legal nurse consultant. In the final lesson, you will examine two final skills you need to have to build a successful legal nurse consultant practice: medical literature research for lawyers and networking. You`ll see how you can conduct medical research both in libraries and online. The Internet resources available to judicial advisors are astonishingly diverse. When you have completed this lesson, you can search for medical literature directly from your home computer. You`ll see how you charge lawyers for this service and how you can then use it to generate more business. This lesson will also show you how to network in the legal community and give you proven techniques for creating a lucrative nursing consulting practice. It was the first experience with an online course, and I have to say it was a very enjoyable experience. I think Mr.

Bevans was a very competent instructor, and I have a new respect for lawyers because of his expertise. I will recommend this course to my nursing colleagues. Would you like to know exactly what you will be doing as a legal nurse consultant? You`ll learn exactly what services you offer lawyers – specifically, what you need to charge for them and how to manage them. Most lawyers have consultant nurse lawyers review cases for them. In this lesson, you will learn more about screening and look at specific examples of the type of report you should give to a lawyer. How do I check a file? Find an expert? Do you write a declaration letter? In this lesson, you`ll use real-life written templates for all of these activities and more. Use your nursing experience to help lawyers with medical cases and claims. This course provides a foundation in various areas of law to help you understand how to assist lawyers at all stages of civil and criminal proceedings, and step-by-step instructions for setting up your own nursing counselling practice.