Legal Term for Maturity

The maturity date also describes the period during which investors receive interest payments. However, it is important to note that some debt securities, such as fixed income, may be «due» with the issuer of the debt retaining the right to repay the principal at any time. Investors should therefore inquire before buying fixed income securities to find out whether the bonds are due or not. To illustrate this, consider a scenario in which an investor who bought a 30-year government bond maturing on May 26, 2016 in 1996 bought it. Using the consumer price index (CPI) as a measure, the hypothetical investor experienced an increase in US prices or inflation rate of more than 218% during the period he held the stock. This is a glaring example of how inflation rises over time. In addition, its yield (YTM) and coupon rate begin to converge as a bond approaches its maturity date, as a bond`s price becomes less volatile as it approaches maturity. Melissa Green joined the American Medical Association (AMA) in November 2019 as Assistant General Counsel. In her role at AMA, Melissa supports the CPT and Masterfile licensing programs as well as the legal needs of the Professional Satisfaction and Practice Sustainability business unit.

Prior to joining AMA, Melissa was Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer at The Chartis Group, a Chicago-based healthcare consulting and analytics firm, where she was responsible for business transactions for Chartis and its wholly-owned SaaS company, and was also HIPAA Compliance Officer as the organization`s Chief Privacy Officer. Melissa began her legal career in Cincinnati, Ohio with the law firm of Frost Brown Todd, where she was a partner in the healthcare transactions, securities and corporate relations department. In 2007, Melissa held her first internal consulting position at GE Aviation. During her tenure at GE, she held numerous positions, including supporting new engine sales transactions for the Europe/Middle East/Africa region, the Electric Power business in Dayton, the Engine Services business (supporting the CF34 and CF6 engine lines) and compliance. After leaving GE, Melissa spent a brief stint at MedStar in Virginia before taking a full-time position at the University of Maryland Medical System in Baltimore, Maryland in July 2013. Originally from East Lansing, Michigan, Melissa received her bachelor`s degree from Michigan State University – James Madison College and graduated from the University of Michigan School of Law. The maturity date is the date on which the principal amount of a bond, bill of exchange, acceptance or other debt instrument matures. On that date, which is usually printed on the certificate of the instrument concerned, the principal investment is repaid to the investor, while interest payments that have been paid regularly during the life of the bond are no longer received. The maturity date also refers to the termination date (maturity date) on which an installment loan must be repaid in full.

The maturity date defines the life of a security and informs investors when they will recover their capital. Thus, a 30-year mortgage has a term of three decades after its issuance and a 2-year certificate of deposit (CD) has its maturity date twenty-four months after its creation. Longer-dated bonds tend to offer higher coupon rates than similarly quality bonds with shorter maturities. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. First and foremost, the risk of the government or a company defaulting on the loan increases as you project into the future. Second, the rate of inflation is expected to increase over time. These factors must be factored into the returns that fixed-income investors receive. (n.1) the date on which payment of the principal due under a promissory note or bill of exchange becomes due. It is not uncommon for a note to indicate that non-payment of interest or installment payments at maturity «accelerates» the note, making the «due date» immediate when such payments are required and not paid. 2) the age at which one becomes an adult, which is 18 in most cases. See: Promissory note, bill of exchange, acceleration, age of majority) In derivative contracts such as futures or options, the term maturity date is sometimes used to refer to the expiry date of the contract.

Typically, long-term debt instruments such as government bonds have a maturity of 10 years or more. Tim has 20 years of experience representing a variety of emerging and established companies in technology, software, bitcoin and professional services. He works directly with his clients` executives and boards of directors on corporate, intellectual property and securities matters. Most recently, Tim has advised clients on Series A and Series B financings, corporate structuring, complex video licensing agreements and structuring new hedge funds. Previously, Tim served as General Counsel and Secretary of Forrester Research, Inc., where he was General Counsel, led the company`s legal group, and led the company`s legal and regulatory affairs. Tim was instrumental in the company`s IPO in 1997 and coordinated the secondary offering in 2000. He led the legal process for the acquisitions of Giga Information Group, Inc., Fletcher Research and Forit GmbH and oversaw transactions valued at over $125 million. He also managed the company`s intellectual property. Tim is licensed in Massachusetts and New York.

Tim holds a J.D. from Boston College Law School and a Bachelor of Arts from Trinity College In the case of current fixed income securities, the debt issuer may repay the principal early, which may prematurely stop interest payments to investors. Maturity dates are used to classify bonds and other types of securities into one of three broad categories: This classification system is widely used throughout the financial sector and appeals to prudent investors who appreciate the clear schedule for repaying their capital. Source: Merriam-Webster`s Dictionary of Law ©, 1996. Licensed with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Corporate counsel with many years of in-house experience with the Board of Directors, senior management and senior management and senior management, as well as extensive regional and national experience with law firms specializing in commercial transactions and contracts, complex commercial disputes and labour matters. Skilled in implementing business priorities, increasing profitability by implementing goal-oriented processes to achieve revenue and productivity goals, and managing corporate disputes and external consultants. Recognized for creating policies and practices to resolve ethical dilemmas and misconduct. The maturity date is the date on which a financial or debt instrument, such as a bond, CD or loan, expires and its principal matures. Note that at this time, the investment will no longer pay interest, and an investor will be able to repay the accumulated interest, as well as its principal, without penalty. A lawyer who creates plans and strategies to help individuals create, build, protect and pass on their wealth.

MATURITY. When an invoice or promissory note becomes due. In order to bind the endorsers, such a bill of exchange or invoice must be disputed on the last day of leniency if it is not paid. See Days of Grace.