Legal Will Quotes

But when we get to the point where more people don`t believe in a God than those who believe in God, we will have a hollow legal system—we`ll have something heartless. Votes: 2 Well, it`s unfortunate, it`s true. There are many cases where families legally fight for the money, property and assets of their deceased loved one. However, with a well-designed estate plan, family members are less likely to have or would have the opportunity to litigate your estate. On the contrary, with well-designed estate planning, including a written will, you have the opportunity to limit the possibilities of litigation. By avoiding disputes, you have a better chance of keeping relationships intact within your family. Perhaps these cases of the Ten Commandments will be the turning point in the legal war against religion. Votes: 2 This quote reminds me of the importance of seeking legal help when developing your estate plan, including your will. If your will is executed correctly, it will achieve what you want. However, if not done properly or carefully, it can lead to confusion or worse for family members arguing about what it means.

Our goal as estate planning attorneys in Idaho is to reduce the likelihood of family conflicts in order to keep relationships intact. Legal documents have written distrust everywhere. It`s unfortunate, but human DNA is so comfortable taking you for granted that we tend to protect ourselves legally. That`s why I don`t read them, because when I read them, I soften. For me, the human relationship is much more important than the professional bond I share with anyone. Votes: 2 If you don`t have a sense of humor, you won`t last long in this crazy profession we call a lawyer. One way to stay healthy is to collect quotes that make me smile or think about what I do for a living. There was no blueprint for this list, it just grew organically over the years. Either way, it`s time to share, so there you have it. Un beso legal nunca vale tanto como un beso robado Votes: 3 Guy de Maupassant It is not unprofessional to give free legal advice, but the publicity that the first visit will be free is a bit like a fox telling chickens that he will not bite them until they cross the threshold of the henhouse.

Votes: 2 «In 2001, the deceased took his original copy of the 1997 will, urinated on it and then burned it. We hesitate to speculate on how he performed the second act after the first. In any event, the testator`s actions lead to the compelling conclusion that he intended to revoke the 1997 will. When a catastrophic event wipes out a large portion of the members of the House of Representatives, America must know that this popularly elected body will be quickly and legally restored and will continue to function. Votes: 2 The Grameen Bank Ordinance, amended until 2008, is a fine legal structure for achieving the bank`s ideals and objectives. Any change to this structure will be devastating for the bank. Votes: 2 Without comprehensive reform, the Social Security Administration will not be legally and financially able to pay the promised benefits in full within a generation. Votes: 2 Wills are dwarfed by legal titles for real estate or beneficiary designations on financial accounts, pension plans and insurance policies. Votes: 2 After 20 years of experience as an estate planning lawyer, I have found that not all families are the same. I was shocked to see how family relationships can be destroyed in the distribution of a person`s property after death for the most trivial things. By having a well-written will, you take decision-making out of the hands of those who lived and make those decisions yourself about who will receive your money, property and assets after your death.

I have personally seen many cases where the absence of a poorly drafted will or will led to the destruction of relationships between family members fighting over the division of an inheritance. People read legal texts differently. When you are at the heart of a legal argument, each step is a step in the argument. The judge will see all the holes. If you do that in fiction, it`s too long and boring. Votes: 2 «Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out that the nominal winner is often a real loser in terms of fees, expenses, and wasted time. As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a better chance of being a good man.

There will still be enough business. «There is nothing better than the death of a wealthy family member to show people how they really are, virtuous or sneaky, generous or poignant. Many families have been torn apart by a botched will. Each case is a drama in human relations – and the lawyer, as an advisor, illustrator or lawyer, is an important figure in dramatis personae. This is one of the reasons why the certification practitioner loves their work and why we value ours. Estate planning has been around for as long as humans have lived on Earth. For nearly 20 years, I have focused my legal practice on estate planning to help individuals and families be prepared and protected not only in the event of death, but also during their lifetime. By having at least one basic estate plan, I have seen families avoid unnecessary struggles, expenses, and the destruction of family relationships. I think a child should be allowed to take his or her mother`s surname at will when he or she reaches the age of majority. Paternity is a legal fiction. Votes: 2 «To have undue influence in the eyes of the law, there must be coercion, to sum it up in a nutshell. Only if the will of the person who becomes the testator is forced to do something that he does not want to do does this influence undue.

Coercion can, of course, be of different kinds, it can be in the crudest form, such as imprisonment or actual violence, or a person can become so weak and weak in the last days or hours of life that very little pressure will be enough to achieve the desired result, And it may even be that just talking to him at the stage of the disease and imposing something on him tires the brain so much. It is possible that the person next to him may be led to do something for peace. It would also be coercion, but not actual violence. These illustrations will show you very clearly that even the very immoral considerations of the testator or any other person offering them do not constitute undue influence, unless the testator is in such a state that if he could express his wishes to the last one, he would say, «This is not my wish, but I must do it.» «The oft-quoted saying, `A man who represents himself, has a fool for a client` is particularly wise because it recognizes the beneficial nature of an objective lawyer. The role of a lawyer is to ensure that the best legal interests of their clients are protected.