What Is the Legal Way to Seek Asylum in the Us

The IRC provides critical support to asylum seekers on both sides of the U.S. southern border. This includes providing temporary shelter, humanitarian assistance, medical care, legal advice, and travel coordination for more than 50,000 asylum seekers released from U.S. government custody since June 2018. L. 104-132, Title IV, § 421 (b), 24 April 1996, 110 Stat. 1270, provided: «The amendment by paragraph (a) [amendment of this section] shall enter into force on the date of entry into force of this Act [24 April 1996] and shall apply to decisions on asylum taken on or after that date.» In both cases, asylum seekers are subject to criminal record and border security checks. They must then go through a complex and lengthy process involving several government agencies to prove that they have a well-founded fear of persecution. Those who lose their case and all appeals are filed and expelled. Since March 2020, most refugee claimants at the border have been denied the right to do so under normal rules, and have instead been deported from the United States under Title 42, as described below.

Editor`s note: IRC is deeply concerned by ongoing reports that asylum seekers are being transported by state and local governments in southern border states to cities across the country, often without informed consent, coordination, or planning. Learn more about our response. As part of a deportation procedure, your asylum application will be reviewed by an immigration judge who will independently assess your case. If you are refused asylum, you will be deported. Before deportation, you have the opportunity to appeal the negative immigration judge`s decision. Certain factors exclude people from asylum. With few exceptions, people who do not apply for asylum within one year of entering the United States are excluded from asylum. Similarly, applicants who pose a threat to the United States will be denied asylum. The Attorney General may charge a fee for the examination of an application for refugee protection, for obtaining a work permit under this section, and for adjustment of status under section 1159(b) of this title. Such fees shall not exceed the costs incurred by the Attorney General in disposing of applications. The Attorney General may provide for the establishment and payment of such fees over a specified period or by instalments.

Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require the Attorney General to charge fees for arbitration services to refugee claimants or limiting the Attorney General`s authority to set arbitration and naturalization fees pursuant to section 1356(m) of this title. Our lawyers work tirelessly to keep you in America. They collect all the evidence to support your asylum claim, including witness statements, medical records, police reports, arrest records, and information about your home country. We rely on our expertise and training in immigration law to provide clients with aggressive and competent representation in removal proceedings, and do our best to convince the immigration judge that you should not be forced to return to your home country. We also handle all types of immigration complaints [see category]. If, on the day of submission of your first Work Permit Application (EAD), there is an unresolved delay in your refugee decision that you caused, we may reject your EEAS application. Examples of these delays caused by claimants are, but are not limited to: We need a more efficient, humane and hospitable system at the border for asylum seekers. Much of the money Congress is currently spending on the inflated Border Patrol should instead be spent on ensuring that our federal and immigration courts have enough staff and judges to assess asylum claims in a fair and orderly manner, and to ensure that people are supported in their efforts to join family members and sponsors at their destination. The sooner people can integrate into their new homes and get work permits, the sooner they can feed themselves and their families and contribute to their new community in other ways. When an undocumented immigrant is arrested and placed in deportation proceedings, when an immigrant who violates his immigration status is arrested and placed in deportation proceedings, when an undocumented immigrant`s claim for asylum is presented as a defense against deportation in circumstances other than immigration detention, when an immigrant is apprehended at a port of entry without proper documentation.

If, at the time of arrest, the person applies for asylum or expresses fears of deportation, he or she will first be questioned by an asylum officer to determine whether he or she has a credible fear of persecution, and then deportation proceedings will be initiated. Certain offences or convictions will result in you not being eligible for an EAD. You are not entitled to an EAD based on your pending asylum application if: If you need to have an asylum and/or NACARA interview at the following address: From our location in New York`s financial district, The Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC handles asylum cases in all fifty states of the United States of America and for clients in countries around the world. For years, we have been responding to the wishes of asylum seekers by supporting them in their asylum applications. If you need the help of an experienced and knowledgeable immigration lawyer today, call our toll-free hotline at (866) 456-8654, contact our law firm today, ask an online immigration lawyer, or schedule an initial online immigration consultation. To apply for asylum, you must file Form I-589 [link] and supporting documents with USCIS. You will then conduct an interview with an asylum officer at the USCIS asylum office who is responsible for your current residence. To find the asylum office responsible for you, please click here.

The officer will ask you questions about why you are seeking asylum, questions about your experience and why you are afraid to return to your home country. We encourage our customers to be honest and accommodating when answering these questions. The public servant shall then make a decision within 180 days of the hearing, except in exceptional circumstances. In most cases, if the official`s decision is unfavourable, you have the option of requesting an independent review of that decision by an immigration judge as part of a removal proceeding.