What Is the Meaning of Legally Permissible

If something is allowed, then it is allowed. If it`s not allowed, you probably shouldn`t. He voted that discrimination against older candidates is allowed, saying that occupational health and safety applicable to workers does not protect applicants. [But] it is permissible to separate them when the children are grown and mature. If something is allowed, you are allowed to have it or do it because it does not violate any rules, laws or conventions. Use must be permitted in accordance with applicable zoning regulations. The proposed construction often does not comply with zoning regulations. If it is reasonable to expect that the land can be rezoned or that an area deviation can be reached, the assessor may conclude that the highest and best use is subject to a change of area. It is now permissible to take sides on social and political issues. It is not clear what is permissible and what is not in relation to foreign interference in elections. On what is the basis, then, of the opinion that divorce is permissible in the event of the woman`s infidelity? The cuffs and collar should be made of single linen, no color or beat of the band is allowed anywhere. According to our creed, it was not permissible for a drunk or sober man to mention the name of a lady in such a place.

Question 7: Is it permissible to separate a mother from her children by buying and selling? Administration lawyers also endorsed the «advanced interrogation techniques» and said they were legally allowed. The consensus tends to prohibit it, although some people with knowledge consider it permissible. (2) If a creative voluntarily wants to help a for-profit business, this is allowed. The other scenario that could make live entertainment allowed under existing state rules would be for strip clubs to open with a drive-in movie format, the spokesperson added. Regulators found the utility in violation of regulations governing the allowable distance between live cables, equipment and branches. If this were not allowed, the number of the greatest creations of artistic genius would be the most limited. In addition, joyful and even joyful moods are not so rare that it would be permissible to ignore them. When someone asks you, «Am I allowed to eat a cupcake?» they very formally ask your permission to dig. Normally, the word permissible is about laws, rules and what is generally acceptable.

For example, it is not allowed to remove your pants in public. Wearing a hat indoors is allowed by law, but it is not allowed according to church customs or your grandmother`s rules. Example: The corner of Spalding Drive and Holcomb Bridge Road is ideal for a car wash, but current sewer restrictions prevent this use. A car wash cannot be the highest and best use unless sewer restrictions are lifted or modified to allow for such use. The use must be in accordance with the restrictions of the deed and other private restrictions on the real estate. If there is a restriction in the deed that limits the height of the building to two floors, a higher building cannot be the best use. If there is a restriction on certificates prohibiting the sale of alcohol on the premises, a liquor store or bar may not be the highest and best use. Middle English, from medieval Latin permissibilis, from Latin permissus, past participle of permittere Any proposed use must comply with environmental legislation. Environmental regulations have become increasingly important in recent years and it is not uncommon for a project to be rejected because of this. A permissive society or person tolerates things that some people disapprove of, especially freedom of sexual behavior.